One more.
Adoptee Birth Date: 7-1-1964
Adoptee Gender: Male
Adoptee Birth Race: African American
Name given to Adoptee by Birth Parents: Anthony
Adoptee Birth City: Detroit, MI
Adoptee Birth County: Wayne County
Adoptee Birth State: Michigan
Adoptee Birth Country: USA
Adoptee Birth Mothers Name: ?
Adoptee Birth Mothers Maiden Name: ?
Adoptee Birth Mothers Race: African American
Adoptee Birth Fathers Name: ?
Adoptee Birth Fathers Race: African American
Adoptee Birth Hospital: ?
Adoption Agency or Attorney: ?
Age of Adoptee when Adopted: 3 years old
Name given to Adoptee by Adoptive Parents: Anthony Andrews
City adoption took place: Detroit, MI
County adoption took place: Wayne County
State adoption took place: Michigan
Country Adoption took place: USA
Adoptive Mothers Name: Lois Andrews
Adoptive Mothers Maiden Name: Alge
Adoptive Fathers Name: James David Andrews
Email Address: [email protected]
Searching For: Birth Parents, Birth Family, Medical History.
All Other Information: I am paralyzed from the neck down. Need Medical History. My grandfather on birth mothers side was a preacher. birth mother was a jehovah witness. Birth Uncle worked at GM. and Aunt was a nurse. have a older brother who was in a nursing home.
Date Received: 1-16-2011
Date Posted: 1-16-2011
Last Updated: 1-16-2011