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Leaked 2018 Elders Training Video RE: Elders Reviewing Pionieers
by pale.emperor inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhq5viughny&feature=youtu.be.
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
Leaked 2018 Elders Training Video RE: Elders Reviewing Pionieers
by pale.emperor inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rhq5viughny&feature=youtu.be.
quite frankly im disturbed at the lack of love and compassion.
especially for the first sister they talk about!.
I smell fish
Look up "volunteer grants"
Minimum hours required to qualify for corporate grants
I wonder where the org has money coming in from for matching volunteer hours
Wait one minute here!!! Did the GB PURPOSEFULLY launch a D.O.S. attack on Russia? (aka the letter writting campaign)
by GTSfromSY ini know this sounds very outlandish by the title but hear this one out:.
a few months back i spoke to an old friend of mine raised "around the truth", but never baptized and wanting nothing to do with the wt.
he is very hip to what is going on in the wt however.
zeb: I would like to know the reason behind getting poor individual r&f to site their own details in the letters
The purpose, apparently, for requesting individual personal details was because Russia has a law that states that any Official that works for the Russian government must answer correspondence addressed to them but only if that correspondence has the personal details attached to the letter
The anticipation was that each and every letter sent would have to be answered individually. Which, of course, is so ludicrous int this context as to be laughable. There were JWs over on jwtalk that were gleefully making sure they sent as many letters as possible so that the Russian officials would have nothing else to do but deal with the mountains and mountains of letters and saying that if Putin didn't answer them that he would be breaking Russian law
The OP's concerns are valid. The org knew that a campaign could be considered a DOS action because they had already got into trouble over a similar action in Russia. If my memory serves me correctly (I can't seem to pull up anything because the internet is flooded with story after story after story concerning the letter writing fiasco), the org was told specifically that they couldn't send emails because of an email campaign that the org launched inside Russia prior to another event that happened there. I will keep looking for the documentation on that, but I seem to remember that the Russian JWs had tread very closely to being charged with DOS in the recent past over their emails flooding official offices and that it why the GB changed their tactics and went for the letter writing campaign instead of an email campaign - they had already been warned
The GB knew exactly what they were doing
Evolution doesn't happen today...WRONG...
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inlast year i had a brother tell me that one proof evolution is false is that he doesn't see it happening today... i was going to bring of viruses evolving so fast that new vaccines must be developed each year but felt he was too closed minded to receive it.
today i was listening to the audio book of 'an ancestors tale- richard dawkins' and noted oe point that shined through.. here is evolution happening>>>.
Women must not instruct men, even by singing a theocratic song.
by Ultimate Axiom ini did a quick search and this doesn’t appear to have been commented on here, but if it has been, i apologise in advance for starting an unnecessary thread.. regarding a change to a song title, the study article on page 7 paragraph 17 of november 2017 watchtower explained, “the change of the title “guard your heart” to “we guard our hearts” was most considerate.
in the audience at our meetings, assemblies, and conventions are many new ones, interested ones, young ones, and sisters who by singing the words would be put in the awkward position of telling others what to do.
so the title and the lyrics were modified.”.
IslandMan: But there's a stark contradiction here: Women are allowed to preach to men in the house to house ministry. So it's not just sexism. It's bigoted sexism. It's ok for JW women to instruct non-JW men in the ministry because worldly men are somehow inferior. Baptized JW men are superior. Us vs them and sexism rolled into one.
I think that is a critical observation
This goes towards explaining the dynamics of why a JW woman would/could tolerate the extreme submissiveness required for their position. When you add in the component of "us vs them", which results in elitism, a person can better understand a JW woman
Being a JW woman comes part and parcel with the notion that they are better than all other women and not only that, they are more special/better than any other man on the planet
Their elevated position above all the rest of humanity is what carries them through their servile and shameful submission to male authority. It is only JW males who dominate them - the rest of the males are beneath their lofty and privileged position. And besides, once they get through their penance here and they bust through the gate after Armageddon....Jah will fix all that
Evolution doesn't happen today...WRONG...
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inlast year i had a brother tell me that one proof evolution is false is that he doesn't see it happening today... i was going to bring of viruses evolving so fast that new vaccines must be developed each year but felt he was too closed minded to receive it.
today i was listening to the audio book of 'an ancestors tale- richard dawkins' and noted oe point that shined through.. here is evolution happening>>>.
But here is the twist: atheists regard the evidence he garnered over a lifetime as nonsense, while conveniently forgetting that Dr Stevenson was as much an atheist as any of themYeah
It's a twist all right
You are certainly right about that. You have twisted the issue. The validity of his process has nothing at all to do with his belief system or lack of belief system
You only think it does
The validity and reliability of the process he used to gather his information is what was in question
Not his lack of belief in a god
Russia is Smart
by Kohanic inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhnseocpffq.
so according to the law department's meeting in feb 2016, russia has been studying the linguistics of the watchtower articles and discovered its brainwashing abilities!.
lol it's funny now that i'm on the russian side of this debate now, ban them all!.
Here is another excerpt from the Russian report:
Psycholinguistic analysis showed that in the texts Witnesses Iegogy "implemented targeted contextually-related changes in the semantic structure of words. Thus, by a shift in the concept of "society", aimed at narrowing the world picture and links to them only within and through the organization of Jehovah's Witnesses. The concept of "family" is superseded in favor of the concept of "community" within the meaning of "members of our organization." The concept of "happiness" is changed to the concept of "service" (goals of our organization).. All this creates a special language with a particular emotional-semantic content, aspiring to the psychological impact on the consciousness of the perceiver, to change his language and non-linguistic world image, the inspiration needed to humble submission discipline narrow community and its hierarchy.
*note: Iegogy, I believe, is "Jehovah" (bad google translate)
Russia is Smart
by Kohanic inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhnseocpffq.
so according to the law department's meeting in feb 2016, russia has been studying the linguistics of the watchtower articles and discovered its brainwashing abilities!.
lol it's funny now that i'm on the russian side of this debate now, ban them all!.
Pete: These Russian JW's turned tail and ran, leaving their fellow JW's in the lurch.
The ones who left were the ones with the money to do so
And they went to warm places. From listening to the chatter on the eu forum, some of them are suntanning on a nice beach somewhere. Never mind the ones who are dreamin' California style
*you're welcome Sparrow
Russia is Smart
by Kohanic inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhnseocpffq.
so according to the law department's meeting in feb 2016, russia has been studying the linguistics of the watchtower articles and discovered its brainwashing abilities!.
lol it's funny now that i'm on the russian side of this debate now, ban them all!.
Pete: It's a sad commentary that no one in an audience made up of high level Bible Students and self proclaimed Bible Authorities, knew that Jesus was the second most frequently found name written in the Bible.
I had that reaction as well.
A sad commentary indeed when they claim to be "Christ"ians
Another observation that Cedars made and that I found was an ironic use of language (not sure if "ironic" is the right description)
I found it strange that Rumley was lamenting about the linguistic analysis not conforming to what the WTS/org considers "correct" and making remarks about how their literature wasn't extremist or violent, and yet he started off by using a violent image to talk about the situation. First, it was the image of a poor little ant getting run over by a big train - squished flat and obliterated. Poor little ant so violently killed. And then, he wasn't finished with making sure that his audience had a violent image firmly planted in their minds: this time it was the image of that big Russian train hurtling towards a mountain - "and we all know what happens when the train hits the mountain"
Everyone listening to Rumley's speech will leave with pictures of violence in their brains
And "they" still don't get it. Or maybe they do and they are just being assholes
Russia is Smart
by Kohanic inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhnseocpffq.
so according to the law department's meeting in feb 2016, russia has been studying the linguistics of the watchtower articles and discovered its brainwashing abilities!.
lol it's funny now that i'm on the russian side of this debate now, ban them all!.
Diogenesister: Lloyd Evans picked up on that and showed the head of the legal department actually describing what linguistics study entails. He actually said that they will look at a book etc and if the language used is such that someone will be "mind controlled" by the end of it, then that is extremist literature and *that* is how they determined whether an organization is extremist; essentially whether their literature brainwashed people.
Guess what? Yup, Watchtower literature passed the mind controll test with flying colours!!! I couldn't believe it! That he actually told his jw audience this is why Russia shut Watchtower down. That was the reason. He said this type of linguistic study is unknown over here but roll on, bring it on I say if this is the result!I watched the video
I think some things were a bit misrepresented. Rumley (sp?) introduced the Russians' linguistic analysis of the WT texts as "a new tactic" when it isn't. Not really. Not if you consider that Russian linguistic specialists submitted a report to the Moscow court back in 1999 (19 years ago)
There were several more points that the Russian experts considered in addition to whether "someone will be "mind controlled""
I have a translated copy of that 1999 report (hard to read because academic language doesn't seem to translate very well) and I can post it or make it available for anyone who is interested in knowing the gist of what the linguistic analysis entailed at that time
Here is an excerpt from that report:
Analysis of the texts of Jehovah's Witnesses identify them the following common properties. Subjects texts systematically carried out a sustained theme: humanity and every individual threatens the powerful enemy of good - Satan. It intrigues, engages people in sin, leading mankind to the death and torture, in the near future the day will come the final battle - Armageddon.
Mankind will suffer "great tribulation" - famine, pestilence, war, natural disasters, the only salvation for the people - turning to God, namely, the deity of Jehovah, who will destroy Satan and his minions, all the servants of evil, all non-members of the community, "Witnesses" and after the Armageddon survivors waiting happiness in the kingdom of Jehovah, inhabitants of the earth will be subject to equitable heavenly government;
Thus dominated by themes of the destruction of the infidels will of the people and the forces of Jehovah's Witnesses and salvation only those who 'adherence to the "Witnesses" avoid shocks, tortures and deaths. This injection creates the mood of fear, ominous tones which aggravated multiple descriptions of the human disasters in general - past, present and future.
Psychological and ideological consciousness of this motif directs the receiver to close a hypnotic stupor in front of a fatal course of events. At the same time it prepares the mind perceiving the motive to the activities in the mode of catastrophically-war, siege, destsiplinarno-organized resistance and offensive.
Emotionally dominant semantic analysis of texts proposed to form a saturated vocabulary "sad" and "dark" mood. Auto shortchanging with export psycholinguistic computer program "Baal" shows the following. 22 %. "Light" lexicon (God, faith, apostle, soul, humanity, the universe, the confidence, the true value, equity) is in the texts of the Jehovah's Witnesses to 22%. "Sad" and "dark" vocabulary (violence, corruption, destruction, suffering, persecution, dying, slavery, hunger, cold, intrigues, lies, slander) is also up to 22%, which is a critical value, builds the context of all printed materials " witnesses "as depressing, inspiring vision of the world as anti-humane system of things, forcing anxiety, fear, suspicion and bitterness.
Readability of Jehovah's Witnesses as a whole ensures the formation of their audiences: a) a sense of impotence, passively waiting for life-saving instructions, and b) willingness to nervous-inflated identification parade in the world and the people of his notorious enemies with a disposition to aggressive and embittered opposition to them.
II). The foregoing disposition differs significantly from the key embedded in the common Christian category of "fear of God." Standing out against the backdrop of these other religions, the texts of the Jehovah's Witnesses particularly exploit the motive of terror before the coming end. Fanning fear a persistent recurrence of the eschatological views (end of the world, etc.) accompanied by traditional and canonical biblical emphasis. The total abundance in the texts of quotations from authoritative sources (precedent) is giving the publications of Jehovah's Witnesses and the greatest weight at the same time removes the need for additional treatment to the primary sources.. In this regard, the distortion of the original meaning of the quoted is particularly significant. Separation quotes from their context and their significant reduction of distorting disorient the receiver to understand and religious tradition and modern reality.
Thus, life-affirming Psalm 148 appears in the publication of "The Place of the youth in God's order is" equipped "depressive-dark" insert:
We are now living under the oppression of an evil system
, one that will soon turn to dust and ashes,
All the force necessary to deal with it to us.