Finkel, you are sounding like you have some anger issues
You shouldn't own a gun
in the aftermath of the valentine's day school shooting in florida, i have read quite a number of articles, blogs and posts about the event.
it is disturbing--and i think inexcusable--that many people take the opportunity to use horrible tragedies such as this to push their own particular agenda.. in particularly insensitive and tone-deaf tweet, conservative political commentator tomi lahren wrote: "can the left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda?
my goodness.
Finkel, you are sounding like you have some anger issues
You shouldn't own a gun
in the aftermath of the valentine's day school shooting in florida, i have read quite a number of articles, blogs and posts about the event.
it is disturbing--and i think inexcusable--that many people take the opportunity to use horrible tragedies such as this to push their own particular agenda.. in particularly insensitive and tone-deaf tweet, conservative political commentator tomi lahren wrote: "can the left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda?
my goodness.
Finkle: So these recent school shootings had nothing to do with stirred up anger and hatred provoking instilled retribution by the attacker ?
That isn't what you had asked
*ps - do you even know what "intellectually dishonest" means?
in the aftermath of the valentine's day school shooting in florida, i have read quite a number of articles, blogs and posts about the event.
it is disturbing--and i think inexcusable--that many people take the opportunity to use horrible tragedies such as this to push their own particular agenda.. in particularly insensitive and tone-deaf tweet, conservative political commentator tomi lahren wrote: "can the left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda?
my goodness.
From a human psychological perspective guns can evoke thoughts of violent retribution.
Would you agree with that statement ?
As I mentioned before it would impossible to screen out every person who owns a gun to their mental state, even at the time they are attempting to purchase a gun.
So that leaves what kind of resolve ?
I think your resolve should be to read the entire article that I linked to in my previous post.
Resolve that first and then we will talk
in the aftermath of the valentine's day school shooting in florida, i have read quite a number of articles, blogs and posts about the event.
it is disturbing--and i think inexcusable--that many people take the opportunity to use horrible tragedies such as this to push their own particular agenda.. in particularly insensitive and tone-deaf tweet, conservative political commentator tomi lahren wrote: "can the left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda?
my goodness.
finkle: ...those guns in the hands of the deranged criminals will be the guns of choice.
The recent shooting in Florida is an example of that fact, there are others.
And? What does that "fact" have to do with the topic of discussion?
Guns are not the problem
Mental illness is not the problem
Anger is the problem
in the aftermath of the valentine's day school shooting in florida, i have read quite a number of articles, blogs and posts about the event.
it is disturbing--and i think inexcusable--that many people take the opportunity to use horrible tragedies such as this to push their own particular agenda.. in particularly insensitive and tone-deaf tweet, conservative political commentator tomi lahren wrote: "can the left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda?
my goodness.
In the wake of a string of horrific mass shootings by people who in many cases had emotional problems, it has become fashionable to blame mental illness for violent crimes. It has even been suggested that these crimes justify not only banning people with a history of mental illness from buying weapons but also arming those without such diagnoses so that they may protect themselves from the dangerous mentally ill. This fundamentally misrepresents where the danger lies.
Violence is not a product of mental illness. Nor is violence generally the action of ordinary, stable individuals who suddenly “break” and commit crimes of passion. Violent crimes are committed by violent people, those who do not have the skills to manage their anger. Most homicides are committed by people with a history of violence. Murderers are rarely ordinary, law-abiding citizens, and they are also rarely mentally ill. Violence is a product of compromised anger management skills.
Violent crimes committed by people with severe mental illnesses get a lot of attention, but such attacks are relatively rare. Paolo del Vecchio of the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has said, “Violence by those with mental illness is so small that even if you could somehow cure it all, 95 percent of violent crime would still exist.” A 2009 study by Seena Fazel found a slightly higher rate of violent crime in schizophrenics—but it was almost entirely accounted for by alcohol and drug abuse. Likewise, the MacArthur Violence Risk Assessment Study found that mentally ill people who did not have a substance abuse problem were no more violent than other people in their neighborhoods.
With no clear explanation of the causes of violent crime from the mental health field, and with significant encouragement from the gun lobby, the public has begun to seize on the wrong explanation for tragic, violent events. They focus not on the IED-diagnosed patients but on those with other diagnoses, schizophrenia in particular, ignoring the fact that what the perpetrators have in common in every single one of these cases is a loss of control of their anger.
The attribution of violent crime to people diagnosed with mental illness is increasing stigmatization of the mentally ill while virtually no effort is being made to address the much broader cultural problem of anger management. This broader problem encompasses not just mass murders but violence toward children and spouses, rape, road rage, assault, and violent robberies. We are a culture awash in anger.
read full article at link
i've been pondering on this question for awhile now, and i'm starting to think this malevolent spirit creature isn't real.
do you guys believe satan is real?
atomant: why should l be sensitive about prior beliefs especially when l don't have any.
You are contradicting yourself.
atomant: Satan is real allright.Almost 100% of posters in here once believed satan was real but had a change of heart.Funny about that.Satan is a man slayer and master manipulator.
we have had another shooting.
many are blaming trump and the republicans and the nra.. is it because of guns that there are so many massacres or could it be that these killers are mental?.
do you think guns should be removed from our society so that these atrocities never occur again?
Guns don't kill people, people kill people but people with guns kill more people and mentally unstable people with guns kill the most people. -nicolaou-
Could you cite references to where you got information that mentally unstable people with guns kill the most people? I find that hard to believe. I would guess that soldiers with guns kill more people than a mentally unstable person with a gun.
I find that hard to believe too
The numbers that I remember (from a talk given by a psychiatrist several years ago) are that "97% of mentally ill people are not violent and 97% of all violent crimes are committed by people who are not mentally ill"
This article backs that statement up:
just wondered if there might be an english translation of this book.
just read on jwsurvey how watchtower has brought legal action against the publishing company.. sounds like it has touched a raw nerve at watchtower.
unshackle: Just wondered if there might be an English translation of this book.
Unfortunately, no.
This reddit thread explains why:
in the may 27, 1942 edition of the consolation, the watchtower society devoted several pages to the controversy surrounding the burial of joseph rutherford.
in several sections, they write about "the opposition" in vague terms without much specificity as to who these other groups of people were who were supposedly persecuting them.
one section refers to a group called v.f.v.
Victory Farm Volunteers? (likely not - they started in 1943 but...maybe...)
more than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments.
i didn't know it was so widespread...but it's a big problem in biology/medicine..
hot: how bad social sciences are...
There is a big big stretch between hard science and soft science such as social sciences
Almost apple and oranges
Bananas and peaches, anyways