Nope. Mongooses is the correct plural.
be courageous and very strong”—joshua 1:7
Nope. Mongooses is the correct plural.
some doubt about the bible completely, some partially.
what if the bible turns out to be a product of humans, nothing divine.
would you still believe in a creator?.
venus: Before asking for proof, think about this. A seed can feel it is finished as it has been buried—it doesn’t know it has only been planted to continue living! There is no need to show the proof that there is life after its seeming burial.
Yeah, you should think, Venus. Instead, you have used a ridiculous analogy for your illustration.
Think about this: seeds don't feel and seeds don't know because...well, a seed doesn't have a brain.
This is a typical bullshit device used by creationists and religious nutjobs everywhere - they pull some ridiculous illustration, out of their nether regions, that seems to make sense but doesn't. They project human capabilities onto things that don't have human capabilities. Fairly tale animism. They rely on the stupidity of their audience to get applause for pulling a rabbit out of the hat when they had that stupid rabbit in their pocket all along
just thought i'd share this ridiculous picture from a recent watchtower.
in recent years, the word bullying has been thrown around a lot, and often misused by instigators and subtle bullies themselves.
in this picture we learn that your loving family who wants to continue sharing a family tradition with you, who hands you a beautifully wrapped present with a smile on their face, is in fact bullying you.
This is so bad. Really really bad
But predictable
When someone (the org) has no defense for their own bad behavior, they will come out swinging with the best offense they can find - mainly, they will accuse the other person of doing exactly what it is that they themselves are guilty of
Disfellowshipping and shunning are the worst kind of bullying you can find yet the org points their finger at people who are acting loving and caring and calls that behavior "Satan!!!"
Gaslighting at its finest
a maryland police officer was killed yesterday with an assualt rifle.
ugly situation.. https://wtop.com/prince-georges-county/2018/02/md-210-closed-prince-georges-county-police-investigation/slide/1/.
Morpheus: I take it mean a rifle used in an assualt, which this clearly was.
Okay. I must be just a nitpicker, then
I have always understood a rifle and a shotgun to be distinctly different. That's all. Carry on...
(I also understand a shotgun to be an "assault weapon" - very effective in small spaces and a short range)
a maryland police officer was killed yesterday with an assualt rifle.
ugly situation.. https://wtop.com/prince-georges-county/2018/02/md-210-closed-prince-georges-county-police-investigation/slide/1/.
Morpheus, now I am confused.
A shotgun is called an assault rifle? I didn't know that...
this was on the front page of freep.com this morning - sadly there are some factual errors in this article that people will jump on (not allowed to go to college was in original article for instance - hopefully the reporter will correct it).
interesting reading the comments below the article - all kinds of opinions.
Dio: After all, if you take JW doctrine to it's logical and most extreme conclusion, dying before the big A is almost your only hope of being resurrected....especially if you know you are inoccent of any sin but are not allowed to be a member of the one true religion.
That is the aspect of shunning that is the most abhorrent and the most damaging. Shunning acts as a death sentence. Once someone is disfellowshipped and/or shunned, the one being shunned has been condemned to death at the Big A. No resurrection. No paradise. Dead forever. Unless they die first.
And I don't think that five years is near enough time to get rid of those ingrained notions. Cult thinking stays with some people for a long, long time.
so sad!!!!!.
Dio: I'm going to guess it must have been an awful long time ago they were dubs.
Five years. According to an article I read concerning this case. Not sure which one it was - there are several
this was on the front page of freep.com this morning - sadly there are some factual errors in this article that people will jump on (not allowed to go to college was in original article for instance - hopefully the reporter will correct it).
interesting reading the comments below the article - all kinds of opinions.
steve2: In three deadly blows she has robbed her loved ones of life.
That is true, Steve.
But, we cannot know what was going on in her head (unless the suicide note she left explains it)
Using twisted JW logic, her act might have made the most sense to her.
Wasn't there a similar case years back (a JW man killed his family and himself?) where the man did it as an act of desperation because he believed that he was actually giving his family members a chance at everlasting life? His rationale was that, if they died before Armageddon, Jehovah would resurrect them and give them a chance in paradise. But, he thought that if they had to endure Armageddon coming, that they would be killed along with the wicked ones with no hope of a paradise resurrection.
in the aftermath of the valentine's day school shooting in florida, i have read quite a number of articles, blogs and posts about the event.
it is disturbing--and i think inexcusable--that many people take the opportunity to use horrible tragedies such as this to push their own particular agenda.. in particularly insensitive and tone-deaf tweet, conservative political commentator tomi lahren wrote: "can the left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda?
my goodness.
Finkel: Anyways that's the tell tale reason why its time wasting useless to spend time talking to people who are being intellectually dishonest.
Anybody else want to try with these nutters, I'm out of here
While you are "out of here", why don't you take the time to educate yourself about what "gun restrictions" really means in a country that has "gun control" laws?
And about how those gun laws and restrictions impact the communities that Canadians live in?
Here is an interesting article to start you off:
However, don't stop there, make sure you google Gerald Stanley and/or Colten Boushie. And ask yourself why Canada's gun laws didn't stop Stanley, a white farmer, from shooting (accidentally, he said...) in the back of the head, with a resticted weapon (a handgun) a young Indigenous man. And why Canada's gun law didn't stop that. And why Stanley was found "not guilty" of either murder or manslaughter.
And look up the La Loche school shooting. Happened in Northern Saskatchewan. The kid who did it (killed four people, I think...) used a shotgun. Effective in a small space. The community will never heal
And when you are done that, look up what happened to the long gun registry in Canada
Stupid waste of money. A total waste and drain
I better stop or someone might think I am a drug crazed (legal soon!) Canadian who is for gun violence. I am not. I am for fixing whatever is is that is making people so fucking mad and desperate
in the aftermath of the valentine's day school shooting in florida, i have read quite a number of articles, blogs and posts about the event.
it is disturbing--and i think inexcusable--that many people take the opportunity to use horrible tragedies such as this to push their own particular agenda.. in particularly insensitive and tone-deaf tweet, conservative political commentator tomi lahren wrote: "can the left let the families grieve for even 24 hours before they push their anti-gun and anti-gunowner agenda?
my goodness.
Why an AR-15? I dunno...watching too many movies maybe
American culture glorifies the assault weapon. The Last Frontier and all that