CovertSadJW: So.....bovine hemoglobin is okay? , but human is not ? Where is the logic in that?
The logic is WT logic. And it has to do with money.
The WT's HIS direct JW patients into clinical trials for blood substitutes. And, when the trials are halted, and that blood product is sitting in "unapproved" status, the JWs come in handy in keeping that product in production as a "compassionate use" drug. "Refusal of blood for religious reasons" is the catch phrase that keeps Hemopure on the market. The JW patient is quite valuable to the companies that develop blood alternatives.
JWs have been guinea pigs for products such as Fluosol-Da and Hemopure, etc
By the way, did you know that Hemopure is basically the same as Oxygent, the blood substitute that has been approved for veterinarian use? The JW patient gets blood that is used for dogs. The JW patient is the next step up from animal testing.