darkspliver: FWIW it was posted online yesterday - AKA International Women's Day
I wonder how much the org got in grant money for International Women's Day
it's all about women being trained to operate heavy equipment, like it's a miracle.
they quote the male foreman, but don't tell you that only men are allowed to be foreman.
darkspliver: FWIW it was posted online yesterday - AKA International Women's Day
I wonder how much the org got in grant money for International Women's Day
i find three categories of people according to the way they display their human qualities—(1) more than humans, (2) less than humans and (3) mixed in those qualities in varying degrees.. when i observe how they are all faring with their choices, it tells me what i should do and what i should not do.
hence my scripture is the mankind and letters are living human beings—present and past.
though it is not possible to see beyond an individual’s birth, i can see the history of nations (collective individuals) beyond their present generation into their past, through many generations which shows how their past deeds contributed to their present reality.
"I pay serious attention when people say things and try to read in between the lines."
family including dog and then herself?.
Yes, Poopie, there is data on women who kill their spouses and their children.
There are several academic papers written about that very subject. However, it is a field of study that is under represented quite simply because women do not kill their family as often as men do. But, when women do kill, it is most often their own children.
This is a book you may find interesting:
And this study includes stats on women as well as men:
i got the latest memorial invite on my door sometime today.
i work from home.
between the time i drop the kids at school and pick them up, i was here.
dozy: it has kind of morphed into something of an advertorial with annual invitation "campaigns" and a 30 hour pioneer month to encourage distribution.
Yeah. It is the org's "volunteer campaigning" that is allowed under charity law.
The Memorial is a "fundraising" event
i got the latest memorial invite on my door sometime today.
i work from home.
between the time i drop the kids at school and pick them up, i was here.
carla: Weird that they celebrate the death of Christ and at the same time people are getting fliers in the mail (postage paid by the churches) to come to their celebrations of the Resurrection of Christ.
I noticed this a few years ago. I thought it was odd. But not really considering the source.
The JWs are the only (or one of few) "Christian" group that celebrate the death of Christ but don't celebrate his resurrection like other Christian religions do.
JWs have a strange relationship with death. They don't understand death, and because of that, they don't understand life.
The one and only celebration that the JWs are allowed to participate in and that celebration is a celebration of...death. Celebrating dying.
I guess that comes in handy when the org requires their followers to lay down their life for the blood doctrine. Jesus died so they can too. Only thing is, Jesus was supposed to shed his blood so all could live - he gave his blood but the JWs won't give theirs so others can live.
The memorial is all about death and dying, not about living. The r&f JW is denied the right to share in Jesus' resurrection.
So, I guess it makes sense in a WT kind of way - don't drink the wine or eat the bread. Don't celebrate the resurrection of Christ - celebrate death.
family including dog and then herself?.
Gio: There is usually some kind of derangement taking place some level of hostility perhaps schizophrenia or bi-polar issues.
You forgot post-partum depression and the hormonal imbalance of menopause.
I think that infanticide (and familicide) is actually the most common form of murder committed by women. And often, the suspected cause of such action is post-partum depression, which, if left untreated, can last for months if not years
*thanks to bubba on reddit for the heads up this uplifting children's activity.
what is the purpose of this activity?
what is the message?
*thanks to Bubba on reddit for the heads up this uplifting children's activity
What is the purpose of this activity? What is the message? What will children be encouraged to think about when they connect these dots?
How many nightmares will this image instill in the minds of the children who connect these dots? What are the dots being connected in the children's brains?
my husband just realized that our trip out of town to see lots of extended family members is over the saturday of the memorial.
he looked all disappointed.
(in light of his recent behaviors this kind of surprised me).
Nonnie, it is just a habit.
Your husband is an addict. He thinks he needs to get his fix.
That's all. Don't sweat it. Just remind him to quit chewing his nails.
it seems that irwin zalkin has obtained undisclosed settlement in the case.
the $4000 a day fine then seems to be dead.
the downside?
Bobby: My bigger point is why JW’s still care. They care because the leadership cares.
BS. I disagree. They care because they care about themselves.
People care because they are wired to care....about their own future. The JWs have got their ticket to paradise clutched in their hot and sweaty hands and they aren't looking left or right. They don't care if the leadership cares. That has nothing to do with it and if you think that it does...I have a bridge for sale
This thread reminds me of a story I read about a serial killer in the Ukraine that converted to the JWs. From a blog entry titled Where do murderers, rapists and pedophiles come from among Jehovah's Witnesses? Analysis of one story:
For a long time in the territory of two districts of Donetsk, in the sewer wells, young women were killed. But not just killed, but dismembered. And not just dismembered, but torn to pieces. The characteristic features, the so-called "handwriting" of the killer, were everywhere the same. He was armed with some terrible maniac who possessed superhuman physical strength. Horror stuck residents of the districts.
The law enforcement agencies have gone astray. The best investigators of Ukraine were involved. And all is useless. The case was under the control of three agencies at once: Gen. Prosecutors, the Security Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. And - no clarification, no clues.
Then the murders stopped. And in late summer of 1993 a young man came to the militia and wrote a frank confession that he was this murderer. The shocked investigators, having studied his confession and understood how he acted, exclaimed: "Never in your life would any investigator have found you, and you understand this." Why did you come? "
Quite calmly, he said: "I became acquainted with the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses, and I want to become one of them." As I should, I confessed my sins to the elder, and he does not allow me to be baptized. " The investigators asked: "Who is this elder?" And he - directly: "Adadurov!"
A day later, a minister who flown from Kiev shouted at the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: "Some priest did what the colonels and generals could not do! .." In the central newspapers a message appeared about this killer maniac under the characteristic headline: "Jehovah's Witnesses in Donetsk does not accept assassins in its ranks. "
In the history of the religious organization this was the second such case. The first was recorded in 1947, when a former Gestapo officer wanted to join Jehovah's Witnesses, wanted for his war crimes by an international tribunal. And in the first and second cases, the Spirit of God did not allow dangerous unrepentant criminals to enter the environment of believing people.
The question of the baptism of the Donetsk maniac was decided in Brooklyn, at the level of the president of the Society. At the international congress in Kiev, which was held in August 1993, I saw the then president of the Society, Milton Henschel. At the same congress, there was a former murderer who was waiting for him to be answered from the Governing Council, whether he would be admitted to baptism or not.
I was told briefly from the President of the Watchtower Society: "You can not take baptism, but how can you explain how to present it, given his personality, given his possible reaction - this is you yourself, keeping in mind that you can be in danger ..."
The very next day, the congress was to be baptized, and the previous evening I had a crucial conversation with the former killer. It should be said that before this conversation I prayed for a long time. Now, briefly, the very essence of the conversation, we can say that the conversation was structured like this: I asked: "Arthur! / Name changed / You remember that before baptism those who wish to be baptized are asked the question:" Have you repented of your sins? ". "Yes," replied Arthur, "Do you understand what the word" repented "means? Arthur looked intently into my eyes, and I continued: "To repent means to deeply regret what was done, but not only that, repentance also implies compensation for damage, for example, someone robbed someone and then repented. it will show? That will return the stolen and will compensate the damage.Or, say, someone has offended someone.How will he show that he has repented? The fact that - will apologize, smooth out the problem ... Do you agree? "" I agree, "replied Arthur." And how can I repent before the one I killed? But there are also relatives of the dead, who suffered enormous, irreparable damage. How can we repent before them? "
There was a hard pause. I did not hurry him. After a rather long time Arthur asked: "And if I surrender to the police?"
"Arthur," I answered, "whatever decision you make, it will be your personal decision." None of the brothers, and the entire religious organization as a whole, can tell you what to do. You yourself must do what you think is necessary in your position. As for the police, it sometimes corresponds to what the Scripture says: "God's servant, does not wear a sword in vain ..." God can use it to protect the lives of citizens, and to take revenge on criminals.
"In order to go to the police with confession," I continued, "you will need a great faith in God, that He can save your life now, or that He will raise you from the dead, since, after all, , there is no guarantee that you will not be sentenced to capital punishment. But, if you made the decision to go to the police, and did it, from that day there would be no obstacles to your baptism, for you would indeed show that you repented. You would have acquired peace with God, you would have entered into the number of God's people, but, alas, this would not relieve you of responsibility for what was done under human laws. Remember the condemned robber. He did not descend from the cross after he believed in Jesus. Although he received an absolute guarantee that he would be in paradise, but for his past misdeeds, he responded to the law of Caesar. The question is different:
Again there was a hard pause, after which Arthur began to say that he really became a believer, that God is for him a real, real person, that he prays to God regularly, that he believes that even if he is sentenced to the highest degree , he will surely rise from the dead in God's Kingdom. "It's settled," said Arthur, "we come home, and I go to the police with confession, I myself thought that we must confess to the police, but I wanted to do this after the baptism, but if so, so be it ..."
After parting, Arthur said: "Brother Anatoly, I know your prayers God hears Let's pray together Pray for me right now ..." And tears welled in his eyes. And on my - too ... And we bowed our heads in prayer.
... He was not sentenced to capital punishment. He was not condemned at all. Three times psychiatric examination was appointed, and three times it was the same conclusion that, at the moment, he is a perfectly healthy, normal person, but then, at the time of committing crimes, he was insane. Based on this conclusion, the court dismissed the charges and sent him for treatment. He received baptism in prison.The brothers took care of this, and the prison administration went to meet them.
Later, one of the expert psychiatrists, in a conversation with my service assistant, said about Arthur: "He would not have had a chance to escape the capital punishment (then it was a shooting)." We saved his life only because we were convinced that he really became a believer, a Christian, meek like a lamb, yes, your religion does real miracles ... "
The blog's author - who re-printed this story from a book written by a former(?) JW - continues with commentary about this event. Follow the link to read full commentary. He ends his comments with this (google translated from Russian):
And more: you noticed how cleverly presented here that it is important that this killer himself went and confessed. Is not it strange? CAM. No, the SI organization and the "elders" who learned about the murders did not want to report it. They are a socially-safe and socially useful organization. And all their teachings and "guidelines" are exclusively "useful" to society. And this here is an organization that has for every sneeze and a bunch for its members a huge amount of detailed instructions and prohibitions, directions and "principles" - it's somehow abruptly washing its hands. Only to be baptized did not allow.But then, when the "danger", that the covering will come up, still solved it. And the newly appeared "Lamb of God" came into the "God's flock" of Jehovah's Witnesses. Moreover, the organization, which collects its courts (judicial committees), even over the fact that someone smokes or watches porn, it just does not react. Nobody made suggestions to Adadurov that he behaves like a psycho in general and does not understand what he is doing at all.
And the last thing: this organization, according to the letters to the elders, constantly gets into places of confinement to recruit new ones to their cult (according to instructions from Brooklyn letters). But now the question of filling: how do you think, after liberation, these former and "re-educated" SI criminals - where will they go? Of course, they will go to you, to the meetings. On the rights of "brothers" or "sisters." And you even often do not know anything about their past because of the "confidentiality" in the cult. So take care of yourself and your children.