ILoveTTATT: Definitely antivaxxer. They had that position officially from 1931 to 1952.
I am not sure what you mean about "official" position, ILove. The WT's anti-vax position was evident long before 1931.
For as long as vaccinations have been around, anti-vaxxers were present and the WTS was no exception.
The Golden Age magazine, launched in 1919, gave the WTS a platform to disseminate the medical views of fringe/quasi medical practitioners. The WTS (via the Golden Age) took an anti-vax stance from almost the beginning of the Golden Age being published.
I took some time to skim through the old Golden Age issues with the goal of just posting a few mentions of their anti-vax stance, but once I started, I realized there was far more than just a few anti-vax articles.
This will be lengthy....
The first mention of vaccinations in the Golden Age was in the April 27, 1921 issue with the article How Vaccines Work - G. del Pino, Glasgow. This was a pro-vaccine article and it ended with this statement:
It may be assumed that the success which has
so far been achieved from the use of these detoxicated
vaccines represents only the beginning
of the ultimate possibilities of the- immunizing
agents in the prevention and cure of
That article inspired a flurry of responses in 1921, both pro and against vaccines. The Golden Age first entertained discourse/debate concerning this controversial subject but, after 1922, would only print anti-vax articles.
Sept 14, 1921
Effectiveness of Vaccines by H A Rutschow DC*
* doctor of chiropractic
Vaccination is supposed to make the vaccinated
immune to some certain disease, or at least
to allow it to appear in a mild form. The
big question is, Does it really do this? This
' question is a vital one to us and to the future
welfare of the human family and judging from
its past the answer is an emphatic NO.
October 12, 1921
The Vaccination Infamy by A M Wilton MD
- anti-vax article - against compulsory vaccination
Doctor Favors Vaccination - by "Doctor"
- correction of inaccurate information in previous article
Science by the Unscientific - L W Putman MD
- another correction of information concerning vaccinations
A Living Death - J J Winzel
- personal testimony about the evils of vaccination
Against Vaccination - W M Pugh
Cured by Serums - Mrs Mary E Burnet
Vaccine Therapy a Success - A Murray MD
Vaccination a Failure - Mrs R Walter Maygrove
Feb 15, 1922
Facts About Vaccinations - G del Pino
- pro-vaccine. This is the last time that the Golden Age printed a pro-vaccine article
* there are 3 or 4 mentions in other 1922 articles about health that are anti-vax statements
Jan 3,1923
The Vaccination Fraud - Mrs. Andrew J Holmes
Jan 17 1923
Animal and Human Vivisection
Is Vaccination Inhuman? - Walter F Moser
- anti-vax article
Nov 7, 1923
More Serum Squirting (no author)
July 30,1924
Facts and Figures on Medical Ignorance - Isaac L Peebles MD
- anti-vax, anti-institutional doctors
-Peebels was an "alternative" doctor (as all WTS doctors were) and came out as anti-AMA
October 8, 1924 - letter to editor
Pittsburgh Fighting Vaccination
The War Against Vaccination in Pennsylvania - Geo F Herde
Vaccination in Czecho-Slovakia (reprinted from the London Daily News)
January 28, 1925
A Joint Declaration of Medical Liberty Rights - by Doctors H M Shelton and B Stanford Claunch
- this is Shelton's first appearance in the Golden Age pages. His treatments and philosophies can be found in later issues, including the images that were posted in the OP
March 11, 1925
What You do When You Vaccinate - F P Millard DO
To have a vaccination scar is a reflection
on the intelligence. A scar following a
solicited vaccination signifies loyalty to medical
superstition. A scar from forced vaccination
is a brand, a mark of medical tyranny and des
potism. I would not be vaccinated and take the
risk of complications for a $10,000 draft on the
Bank of England. My children have never been
vaccinated, and I trust never will be. It is up to
the mothers of the land to take a determined
stand, and they should quickly end the compulsory
vaccination of children. Without compulsion,
the hideous practice would soon disappear
April 8, 1925
When Vaccinations Do Not Take
Sept 8, 1926
The Power of Medical Superstition - G R Clements
May 18, 1927
August 10, 1927
August 24, 1927
What Doctors and Lawyers Think of Vaccination (contributed)
- anti vax rant with various docs and lawyers quoted
January 11, 1928
A Brief Lesson in Vaccination -
April 4, 1928
May 2 1928
Nov 28, 1928
Some Thoughts and Question on Epidemics - Dr B H Jones
- anti-germ theory article and, of course, anti-vax
July 25, 1928
An Unvaccinated Authority on Smallpox - G W Emery
Feb 6, 1929
If the People Ever Wake Up (Peacock court case)
Apr 3, 1929
How Diptheria Antitoxin is Made - Dr George R Clements, editor of How to Live
May 1, 1929
Death by the Serum Route - Herbert M Shelton (the fella who contributed those "cartoons" in the OP)
Vaccination - Dr H R Richards
July 24, 1929
Taxes, Vaccination and Inoculation - Dr G R Clements, editor How to Live
Sept 18, 1929
Nov 27, 1929
Vaccination in New Hampshire
- an article about Albert W Peacock's fight against vax - 6 months jail for refusing to have child vaccinated
an item from article:
April 2 1930
Some Facts About Vaccination - "The facts in this article are taken from The Facts Against Compulsory Vaccination ($1.00), by H. B. Anderson, published by Citizens Medical Reference Bureau, 1860 Broadway, New York, N. Y."
August 6, 1930
Serumization by the State
Sept 17, 1930
Bedbugs and Smallpox
Oct 1, 1930
Oct 15, 1930
Massachusetts Doctors to Assist God
I am sure I missed several references to the evils of vaccinations, in the Golden Age, leading up to "the official position" of the WTS banning vaccinations from 1931 to 1952 . But, it is clear that the WTS was anti-vax all along. The position that they were most concerned with was anything that stood in defiance of the American Medical Association (founded in the 1840s). Many of the Bible Students were practitioners of alternative medical practice - the chiros, osteopaths, naturopaths, etc. were all fighting for legal recognition and the right to practice their brand of medicine and these were the ones who took an anti-vax stance.
As a matter of interest...I am one of the non-vaccinated. If the WTS had lifted their vaccination ban before I was born, that info didn't make it out to rural Canada by the time of my birth and childhood in the late 50s/60s.