problemaddict: Orphan Crow,
I appreciate the info. My first child i was a JW, the second I had left. Both were complicated, and blood was almost introduced.
I think the word "mundane" was a poor choice. I suppose I meant "common". Birth is a common procedure. Like do the elders show up for tonsillectomies? There is a larger than normal bleed risk there. I just hadn't really heard of it before, and I was being "groomed" for the HLC at one point in my former life.Either way, i did not know the risk was that high, and transfusions commonplace. thanks for the details.
Yes, birth is common. Pretty much as common as death is. :)
I don't know if the HLC/elders show up for tonsillectomies. They likely do. The procedure is not as common as childbirth but the risk of bleeding is about the same - 3%.
It is alarming that you were being groomed for the HLC and had never been given the facts about the risks of bleeding for pregnant women. And that is what happens with the WT directed HLC and the "bloodless medicine centers" - they have been trained by the WT and they haven't been given the correct information. The information they are trained with is very, very one-sided and often outdated and inaccurate.
This page debunks a lot of the WT blood information:
The risk that takes center stage for the JW patient is the risk that has been given to them by the WTS: they won't get to paradise if they take non-approved blood.