moreconfused: One thing that bothers me greatly is the fact that they can change their policies and beliefs and just say its "new light" and no one bats an eyelid.
Change/newlight is part of the 'hook'. It serves a critical function. It solidifies "truth" by redefining it. Remember Russell's "present truth" doctrine?
Heh. I have memories of being a child and the build up to summer assemblies - "oooooh...what new light will be revealed?" and my mother's intense searching of new literature, examining and discussing...looking for that "new light" as though it was something precious and special....a special gift that came right from...God himself!!!!
A person only has a problem with "new light" if their concept of an unchanging, stable "god" transcends human interpretation. If a person has accepted an outside source (the org) as the authority on all things divine, then "new light" becomes the confirmation and the cement that holds them inside the cult. New light is confirmation of authority from god and a sign of progress. The "truth" gets brighter. Or so they say.
Here is a quote (translated) that is taken from an unnamed JW who gave an interview in an unnamed country (and comes from an unnamed source...yeah, I know, bad form and all that), that explains how an educated JW who works occasionally in the academic world (he teaches at an American university), views "new light"/revision:
I have also gone in ******* until my 27th birthday and then in america again through the academic mill. And I can assure you that the study discipline of JW is readily comparable to a high-quality academic education in the US, that means, every statement that JW make is based on a certain research, which, like any other research, also occasionally requires some revision. What I consider rather to be a strength than a weakness. This means, JW are well-educated people...