Oh. Duh.
The first photo of the Brotherhood of Suits has "21" brothers. The Airport Brotherhood has 18 brothers.
3 were left behind - the Russian Brothers didn't take the Last Flight Out of Moscow.
a few things about this video:.
it's very nice that they managed to host a convention for the russian brothers and sisters, and that they all got fed.
Oh. Duh.
The first photo of the Brotherhood of Suits has "21" brothers. The Airport Brotherhood has 18 brothers.
3 were left behind - the Russian Brothers didn't take the Last Flight Out of Moscow.
a few things about this video:.
it's very nice that they managed to host a convention for the russian brothers and sisters, and that they all got fed.
Okay. I was bored. I broke down and watched Mark's broadcast.
A couple things.
Brothers. Brothers, Brothers, Brothers and Brothers. BROTHERS.
And sisters.
In the first image of all those "brothers" (1:27), stop the video and play a game. I call it "spot the brothers". I found "4" definitive brothers and a couple of maybe boys from tiny wee heads that might be men. And I counted at least 21 women in the frame.
And speaking of brothers - the Brotherhood of 18. The ones pictured in suits at the Supreme Court who apparently got "The Last Flight Out of Moscow" (!!!! - that could be a song title or maybe a movie....). That Brotherhood - the Blessed Ones.
Well...please correct me if I am wrong, please do, but...two of the Russian brothers who are pictured in the first Brotherhood of 18 ( the Suit Brotherhood) are not in the Brotherhood of 18 Who Escaped Russia AKA the Airport Brotherhood of 18.
I dunno - I think there were some replacement brothers who got the seats out of Russia because I can't find the Russian brothers in the Airport Brotherhood of 18 pic.
a few things about this video:.
it's very nice that they managed to host a convention for the russian brothers and sisters, and that they all got fed.
Mark Sanderson tells us that when the appeal at the Supreme Court was negative that they had to leave Russia immediately... but they had no tickets.
Huh? Whaaat?
Why? Why no tickets? Did they really believe that the appeal wouldn't be negative?
So they up and trotted off to Russia on one way tickets. 18 of them. One way tickets to Moscow. Flying in with Jehovah's blessing and assurance of a win. So they can stay in Russia. And sunbathe on the beach north of St Petersburg, likely.
Huh. Cut those holiday plans short, didn't they?
But why? Why buy one way tickets? 18 f***ing one way tickets to Russia. To appeal a Supreme Court ruling. Uh....that wasn't too bright, was it?
growing up a woman in the cult was pretty bleak.
most of the adult women i knew were either depressed sad women or an embarrassment to me.
i was typical kid in that regard.
Bycnl: I remember one sister who put a diaper on top of her head to conduct the meeting for field service
That is really and truly awful.
However, I find solace in creating a mental image of all the JW men I know, and have known, with a diaper on their heads.
Role reversal. Now, when I have flashbacks/memories of the horrible encounters I had as a young girl growing up inside the Kingdom Hell, I will be sure to slap a diaper on those pompous a-holes' heads.
Ah yes, there you are, Brother ****, telling me what to do, wearing a diaper on your head. Not so powerful now, are you, huh?
in my comedy i want to show the audience a large version of some weird front covers from the watchtower or awake.. do you have any suggestions?.
this has possibly been brought up before however here goes.. constant reference is made by many posters to scientific research as being the only way to prove something factual that would otherwise have to be taken on faith.
there actually seems to be "faith" in scientific findings.. my experience over many years is that most scientific research is fake.
nothing oftencomes of the big announcements made to raise more money.. money, prestige, pride, human error, suppositions etc., are rife amongst the scientific community.. i realise that there have been many advances over hundreds of years but humankind is in a mess, although very different to even a century ago.. the medical profession now has vaccinations for everything, antiviral drugs etc.
amicabl: The point I was trying to make in my obviously fractured English was that the life expectancy of 30 or 40 or whatever was caused by the large number of small children who died which reduced the statistical life expectancy or maybe I am wrong there too. No offence meant to the ladies with whom in the real world I usually get on quite well with.
And hence your name, right? :)
Yes, I understood what you were saying. And of course, that point has merit. However, it is not the whole picture. Infant and maternal mortality rates have been impacted dramatically by the advent of science. It is not reasonable to make the assertion that the world was better off, health-wise, before scientific advancements.
And yes, women have benefited largely by medical advancements. We actually can anticipate living past our childbearing years, our children can anticipate having their mothers around longer...unless, of course, you are a JW woman. Or a JW child. Then, your mortality risks go through the roof. JW women and children enjoy the primitive state of medicine during and previous to the 19th century.
The point that I was making, amicabl, was that "common knowledge" is knowledge that is suspect - we have to stop and examine if that "common knowledge" is rooted in our own personal biases. Things that we can believe are 'facts" because they are "common knowledge" can be simply manifestations of our own desires and/or position and/or limited access to information.
this has possibly been brought up before however here goes.. constant reference is made by many posters to scientific research as being the only way to prove something factual that would otherwise have to be taken on faith.
there actually seems to be "faith" in scientific findings.. my experience over many years is that most scientific research is fake.
nothing oftencomes of the big announcements made to raise more money.. money, prestige, pride, human error, suppositions etc., are rife amongst the scientific community.. i realise that there have been many advances over hundreds of years but humankind is in a mess, although very different to even a century ago.. the medical profession now has vaccinations for everything, antiviral drugs etc.
cofty: Please don't choose bland topics in future. Choose controversial ones and be better prepared for a factual debate.
I agree.
Or, conversely, be prepared to learn something about your subject. There are many posters on here who are pedantic, myself being one of them.
Be prepared to be corrected and challenged. That is the beauty of this forum.
this has possibly been brought up before however here goes.. constant reference is made by many posters to scientific research as being the only way to prove something factual that would otherwise have to be taken on faith.
there actually seems to be "faith" in scientific findings.. my experience over many years is that most scientific research is fake.
nothing oftencomes of the big announcements made to raise more money.. money, prestige, pride, human error, suppositions etc., are rife amongst the scientific community.. i realise that there have been many advances over hundreds of years but humankind is in a mess, although very different to even a century ago.. the medical profession now has vaccinations for everything, antiviral drugs etc.
amicabl: Common knowledge
Well, if you are going on that premise...that "common knowledge" is accurate, I dunno what to say, especially when this thread is about science.
Because, when I examine your observations about a 19th century cemetery that you visited, it becomes apparent that your "common" knowledge arises from your myopic view of the world that didn't allow you to observe the large number of maternal deaths that cemeteries of that age "commonly" hold.
Skewed statistics? Yes, your interpretations and observations are skewed. You leave out women in your observations.
blood transfusion case before supreme court.
mother refuses transfusion on religious grounds for daughter with leukemia.
konceptual: it is an horrendous policy with more holes that sieve
Yes, it is a horrendous policy. But, it is a policy that delivers guinea pigs to a niche market of noblood alternatives.
The world of bloodless medicine, AKA noblood alternatives, owes its existence to the private investment of JWs.*
*reference available...need more coffee to go look for it. If anyone wants this reference, let me know - I have posted it before
blood transfusion case before supreme court.
mother refuses transfusion on religious grounds for daughter with leukemia.
The WTS/JWorg likes to convey the impression publicly that they are law abiding citizens who obey the law. This is a fallacy - they only obey the law if and when that law agrees with their objectives. And only then.
The org issued a letter to elders that gave advice on "how parents can protect their children from the misuse of blood". The letter concludes with this advice to parents:
If a court order is issued despite one's best efforts, continue to ask the physician not to transfuse and to urge that no blood alternative treatments be utilized.
In other words, use the law to demand that no blood alternatives be used, but if things don't go your way in court, continue to defy the law and do things the way that the WTS/Org tells you to behave. Demand no blood alternatives. Always. Stand your ground. Disobey court orders. Demand alternatives.
This court case in Mexico is entirely scripted and directed by the WTS/Org. The JW parent and child are only pawns in the WTS' deadly game. They are only following the WTS directives to demand no blood alternatives.