smiddy3: The OP video is a short excerpt from CBC's The Fifth Estate's "Spiritual Shepherds" that was originally broadcast on January 29, 2003.
OK that was now 14 years ago and this whistleblower is still hiding his identity ? in the year 2017 ?
Huh? How do you know that? How do you know he still hides his identity?
What is it that you expect from this man who has blocked out his identity 14 years ago? Would you be happier if he somehow, magically, made his identity known on a 14 year old video? And how exactly would you propose that would happen? Would he wave a wand and his face would appear on that old video? Or should he keep an eye on online content so that if and when this video pops up somewhere he can show up and say...Hey everyone! That is me! Joe Blow from Cocomo!
And besides, you (and me, and everyone else) know nothing about this man's personal life. Nothing. Nobody is in the position to judge why this man has chosen (14 years ago) to keep his identity protected.
And as far as respect and being believable goes, that is what comes from appearing on a television production such as the Fifth Estate. The tv show is respectable. The broadcaster is respectable. That is what makes this story believable.
Attacking the whistleblower for keeping his identity private is akin to shooting the messenger.