ColdSteel: Geesh, can this guy ever reach an end to a sentence? I couldn't take anymore and looked at the progress bar and it was only about a third of the way through. Can someone give us the Reader's Digest version?
Eh. I quit watching someplace after halfway.
This is one of the "apostates" whose message actually works against those who are serious about the work they do to try to expose the WT's harmful policies.
I think this guy is an attention whore who makes up videos to get clicks. Here is an example. He has another youtube posted that is titled "Millions dead because of Watchtower's false blood doctrine". That is hyperbole over the top. Who does he think he is that he can throw that kind of garbage around when they are people (like Lee and his crew at ajwrb and others) who work tirelessly at dismantling the WT's blood doctrine and nobody, nobody anywhere has come up with such an overblown and over the top number of deaths attributed to the noblood doctrine. Nobody ever. Except this idiot.
Condensed version? The star of this video claims that he was told that some of the "special" Bethelites go up and down Jacob's ladder to get messages, etc from the spirit world. (could be told in a 30 second spot...done and over. The end)
This guy must have been a really 'good', spiritual, asshole JW during his time as one. Pulling hyperbolic claims out of where the sun don't shine and then sitting back and collecting his "clicks" smugly
*edit to add -
knowsnothing: Marcus freaks out, fellow gives him 4 notebooks full of writings. Marcus says he's still got them but has never peered into them.
Oh. I missed that part.
What a load of shit. Why make the video but not look into these alleged 4 notebooks? Produce them. Show us. I want to see them and I want to read them. I am not a chicken shit like Marcus. Where are those notebooks??