Rodrigo: Imagine the immunoglobulin injections now they are “allowed” by the cult, but I think that for some amount of time (I don’t know specifically how much years ) they are presented by the medical community as an optional treatment and the JWs rejected that option because the blood prohibition.
That happened.
In particular, it happened with RhoGAM, a Rh immunoglobulin (RhIg). RhIg is an injectable drug given to women with Rh-negative blood during pregnancy. The main purpose of RhIg is to prevent problems in case baby has Rh-positive blood.
For an excellent summary of Rhogam and how it was handled by the WTS, read this link here:
Jehovah's Witnesses and the Rh Factor
by Marlene Mercado
A key point that Marlene talks about in her letter is that during the first 6 years that Rhogam was available and not used for JW women, several JW women would have developed antibodies that would have been them ideal blood donors. Donors who could have saved countless numbers of babies. But they couldn't and didn't donate their blood back to the donor pool so that other babies could live.
Rhogam was available in 1968, the WTS gave 'approval' six years later (buried in a footnote in a 1974 Questions from Readers).
TD: I believe the time lag you speak of does exist with experimental treatments and techniques. PolyHeme, for example was an experimental oxygen carrying blood substitute and it was used on some JW patients in actual clinical trials.
I'm not sure if this is a good example of what you had in mind though. PolyHeme was discontinued around 2009 because of its negative side effects.
Now we are speaking of a cat of a different color.
Artificial blood. Blood substitutes. Oxygen carriers.
These are made from hemoglobin. A blood "fraction". A blood component.
Here is where the Jehovah's Witnesses shine. This is how the development of blood substitutes/oxygen carriers has proceeded:
Development of product in lab using animals.
Released for use on Jehovah's Witness patients for "compassionate use".
Clinical trials.
Approved for use in general population.
You see, when it comes to blood "substitutes" or "artificial blood", the JWs move up in line. They are targeted for these developmental products. The JWs are the guinea pigs.
Where this is very evident is in the Fluosol trials back in the 70s. Fluosol's first human use was done on JWs - JWs who were targeted for a trial by the Japanese firm who produced it and the trials were implemented by those "pilot" HLC guys. That is why the JWs were such a prime group to try out an artificial blood product - they already had a "hot-line" set up with the Lapin group and also had a crew of JWs already connected to doctors and hospitals in Canada.
The Fluosol trials were undertaken, in the latter part of the 70s on the JW population...and thus the birth of the Hospital Liaison Committees.
Fluosol-DA almost made it out of the starting gate but it was eventually discontinued. However, that hasn't stopped the targeting of the JWs as a group that "requires" a blood substitute*.
Polyheme (made from expired human blood) was being used on JWs before clinical trials were announced. And Hemopure too - it was used on JWs first - it still hasn't made it through to the approval stage and only recently went back into production.
Never fear. When new artificial blood products become available, the JWs will be the first to receive it. That is the way it works. Dogs, bunnies, guinea pigs and monkeys first. JWs next. And then everybody else.
*and why do the JWs "require" an artificial blood product? Because they have been given a blood disorder by the WTS. A made-up blood disorder. A rare blood group. A made-up rare blood group.