smiddy: Did they have glass windows in Jesus day ?
from the wt dated dec 2017 - study 1 para 11 studied by all congregations 4th feb 2018. the question asked on this paragraph is:.
what did the physician luke report happened to a young man, and how did that affect others?”.
paragraph 11 in this wt reads:.
smiddy: Did they have glass windows in Jesus day ?
i was doing a shearch on physicist alain aspect, and came across this :.
the universe as a hologramdoes objective reality exist, or is the universe a phantasm?.
Really? Where?? Where, in all that jumble of words and assertions, is the science?
I can't find the science - not one scientific study quoted. Not one. I can't find anything at all that resembles science. Nothing at all that is scientific by any stretch of the imagination. Nothing.
You can it a tuna fish sandwich if you want, but....if its black, got four legs, and has a white stripe down its back and walks low to the's a skunk.
This is NOT science.
i know this sounds very outlandish by the title but hear this one out:.
a few months back i spoke to an old friend of mine raised "around the truth", but never baptized and wanting nothing to do with the wt.
he is very hip to what is going on in the wt however.
Hey GTS, this thread could have the info you are looking for:
jehovah's witnesses cover-up.
This article comes from the United Church Observer
Founded in 1829, The United Church Observer is the oldest continuously published magazine in North America and the second oldest in the English speaking world. It has won international acclaim for journalistic excellence and garnered more awards for writing than any other Canadian religious publication. Editor David Wilson says of his mandate for the publication in contemporary Canada: “We seek to offer the United Church and Canadians generally a church magazine that exceeds people’s expectations of church magazines. As we move forward into a new era and style of faith-based publishing, we are constantly mindful of the traditions into which we are anchored.”
Since 1986, The Observer has been independently incorporated, which makes it unique among major North American denominational publications. The magazine sets its own editorial policies and program and is overseen by its own board of directors. While it maintains a healthy relationship with The United Church of Canada, it does not speak as the denomination’s official voice, receiving only about 7 percent of its funding from the United Church’s General Council. Other funding comes from individual subscriptions, newsstand purchases, the Friends of the Observer Fund and government grants. The Observer’s financial and legal independence permits the publication to comment freely on matters within and outside The United Church of Canada. Says editor Wilson: “In the same way that The United Church of Canada is part of the Canadian identity, an independent Observer is inextricably part of the United Church identity — one of those unique features of the United Church that Canadians admire, whether they’re in the pews or on the sidelines.”
I agree with everyone else - a well written and well researched article.
does anyone know where i can get a pdf version of this book?
i’ve always wanted a physical copy but those seem really hard to come by, and if you look online they’re super expensive.
thank you.. -jules.
nicolaou: but can I suggest donating your book to a library where many individuals can access it, discreetly if need be.
That's a good idea. However, these books have a way of disappearing once they are part of library systems.
I have encountered this problem a few times with local libraries - one day a book is there and the next time I go to take it has vanished. From what I have heard (!!!), local JWs make it a point to make sure that certain books can't be accessed through public libraries by discreetly making them disappear
the last post about the violin for sale got me to looking at their ebay account which says it's based in wallkill.
they've got over 200 items for sale, most obsolete electronics that are grossly overpriced.
among them are used hard drives, like this one:.
StGeorge: How do we know this is from Watchtower?
How do we know?
Well, I dunno about anyone else, and I can only speak for myself, and I don't know about you either...but...
I looked at the bottom of the page, noticed that it was from "Hudson Tool and Equipment". That is the first BIG clue. Because you can simply search that name and find this:
Hudson Valley Used Tools and Equipment is Kingdom Support Services, Inc
Now "we" know
it`s always a buzz to see this with the naked eye and know that their are human beings orbiting the earth a couple of hundred miles up every 90 minutes or so .. the wife and i were just sitting out on our porch/patio waiting for the cool change to arrive when i noticed this "star" moving across the sky in a se/nw (?
) direction { i hope that`s right }.
anyhow i thought some others on here may be interested in tracking the iss from time to time.. by the way the cool change hasn`t arrived here yet it`s still quite warm though not as hot as it was today at 41 deg c.
The temperature has dropped today and I hope to be in for a good ISS sighting tonight!
The sky has been overcast (actually, a clipper tore through the past couple days and it warmed up to -7 and now we hit the usual again - it was -29 when I woke up this morning) but now the sky is clear and crisp. Perfect for an ISS flyover.
I have tracked the ISS for years through the NASA tracker but missed a few when I was in the city. I have recently moved to a rural area which allows me to be a sky watcher again. I have already had a double sighting one night around Christmas when the temp was hovering down in the -30s. I love really cold winter nights because the sky is so clear.
I missed the eclipse due to cloud cover (damn warm winter weather!) but when I woke this morning at 5 am and stepped outside, that fat old moon was hanging over the spruce trees.
On a related amateur astronomer out in British Columbia, Canada, found a satellite signal from a "lost" satellite:
Long "dead" NASA satellite discovered alive by amateur astronomer
i know this sounds very outlandish by the title but hear this one out:.
a few months back i spoke to an old friend of mine raised "around the truth", but never baptized and wanting nothing to do with the wt.
he is very hip to what is going on in the wt however.
MrRoboto: Im sure Russia could find a reason to legally ignore all the letters instead of responding to each.
Of course they can.
All correspondence to State departments must be done in Russian. They will not respond to any communication in a foreign language. (I know this because I had to find a Russian person proficient in written Russian language in order to access files at the State Military Archives. My emails were just ignored when they were written in English)
GTS: I will spend some time looking for that info. Just got home to my laptop...
found on this site here:
for the low price of $3500, you can own this lovely instrument:.
orren v. heath 1937 american violin no.
found on this site here:
for the low price of $3500, you can own this lovely instrument:.
orren v. heath 1937 american violin no.
Found on this site here:
For the low price of $3500, you can own this lovely instrument:
ORREN V. HEATH 1937 AMERICAN VIOLIN NO. 68 FORT WAYNE: Lifton leather case, 2 bows (Used)
This Orren, V. Heath is an American made violin dating from 1937. The maker was based out of Fort Wayne, Indiana and made only 79 pieces total in his violinmaking career. This piece bearing the makers label is numbered 68. It has a two-piece maple back of narrow curl, the ribs and scroll of medium curl, the spruce top of fine to medium grain, the varnish of red color. This is a characteristic example of the maker’s work. Heath was self-taught, which makes the work even more interesting for its high degree of professional concept, execution and finish. The oil varnish was also his own, and has met with the same fate as many from the era of experimentation in oil varnish formulas by American makers, which is the surface checking, most pronounced in the upper back. Pattern is after Stradivari, modified somewhat with wider dimensions in the upper bouts.
The violin is in good condition overall
In the summer of 2016 this violin was professionally appraised for value as well as some restoration - new strings, new bridge, adjustment of sound post and the like.
I am a bit curious about this instrument.
Is it something that was left in an estate for the org? Who is this Heath person who built the violin? Any relation to "The" Heaths from back in the day when Rutherford was schmoozing with the Coca-Cola Heaths?