unshackle: Just wondered if there might be an English translation of this book.
Unfortunately, no.
This reddit thread explains why:
just wondered if there might be an english translation of this book.
just read on jwsurvey how watchtower has brought legal action against the publishing company.. sounds like it has touched a raw nerve at watchtower.
unshackle: Just wondered if there might be an English translation of this book.
Unfortunately, no.
This reddit thread explains why:
in the may 27, 1942 edition of the consolation, the watchtower society devoted several pages to the controversy surrounding the burial of joseph rutherford.
in several sections, they write about "the opposition" in vague terms without much specificity as to who these other groups of people were who were supposedly persecuting them.
one section refers to a group called v.f.v.
Victory Farm Volunteers? (likely not - they started in 1943 but...maybe...)
more than 70% of researchers have tried and failed to reproduce another scientist's experiments, and more than half have failed to reproduce their own experiments.
i didn't know it was so widespread...but it's a big problem in biology/medicine..
hot: how bad social sciences are...
There is a big big stretch between hard science and soft science such as social sciences
Almost apple and oranges
Bananas and peaches, anyways
curious what the canadian take is on all this .
i also understand he compared islamic state terrorists to greek, vietnamese & italian migrants?
that one i haven't confirmed yet but sounds wacky if true.
That would be ridiculous to compare the reverting to an original gender neutral song to all songs in the future. Wouldn't it be irrational to even try to speculate on such nonsense? Sorry...I can't make that big of a leap and still stay rational...
Oh...this is a joke? Isn't it? My funny bone is a bit numb. I don't always pick on haha's
curious what the canadian take is on all this .
i also understand he compared islamic state terrorists to greek, vietnamese & italian migrants?
that one i haven't confirmed yet but sounds wacky if true.
Sparrow: Haven't they changed the Canadian national anthem to be gender neutral now or are they just thunking bout it?
Yeah. Canada decided to go back to using gender neutral terms in the national anthem, just like it was first written.
a letter was read tonight in our kingdom hall that the money that the circuits in the indianapolis area had in savings to build a new assembly hall will now be transferred to the www to build kingdom halls in lands where they are needed and a new assembly hall for us will not be built.. we had a beautiful assembly hall near downtown indy that was paid for.
it was sold a couple of years ago.
we were promised a new assembly hall to be built in southern ohio near the indiana border but they can kiss that goodbye now.
FreedomRocks: What happens if there are people who vote against a resolution?
If there is not a majority consent to the resolution, then the designated funds cannot legally be transferred to another purpose
a letter was read tonight in our kingdom hall that the money that the circuits in the indianapolis area had in savings to build a new assembly hall will now be transferred to the www to build kingdom halls in lands where they are needed and a new assembly hall for us will not be built.. we had a beautiful assembly hall near downtown indy that was paid for.
it was sold a couple of years ago.
we were promised a new assembly hall to be built in southern ohio near the indiana border but they can kiss that goodbye now.
menrov: If the money is not owned by the congregation, why a resolution?
Non-profit tax rules.
Designated donations cannot be used for other purposes unless there is a resolution, from those who donated it, to use those donated funds for another purpose
a letter was read tonight in our kingdom hall that the money that the circuits in the indianapolis area had in savings to build a new assembly hall will now be transferred to the www to build kingdom halls in lands where they are needed and a new assembly hall for us will not be built.. we had a beautiful assembly hall near downtown indy that was paid for.
it was sold a couple of years ago.
we were promised a new assembly hall to be built in southern ohio near the indiana border but they can kiss that goodbye now.
Coco: It was exciting as we anticipated the countdown to the Big A.
No denying the craziness of the religion, but money and real estate were by no means the focus.
Well, it might not have been the focus for you, Coco, but...
The 60s and 70s were a buying frenzy for the WTS:
When the rest of Brooklyn Heights was besieged by crime and blight in the 1960s and 1970s, the Witnesses snapped up properties and meticulously maintained them. “The Bossert Hotel, when they bought it, was a mess,” Citi Habitats’ TRData LogoTINY Christopher Havens told the Commercial Observer. “There were hookers there.”
coco: What a total letdown, on all counts.
Not so much for the WTS. They made lot$$$$$$ on their wise and prudent real estate foresight. While you and the other faithful JWs were concentrated on cleaning convention rentals, they were stockpiling real estate in Brooklyn that paid them back large.
At one point, the Witnesses held 4.5 million square feet over 30 buildings. They’re down to nine buildings, having made about $1.25 billion on staggered sales since 2004, according to the CO.
In August, a partnership between Kushner Companies, CIM Group and LIVWRK closed on the flagship Watchtower building for $340 million.
“The selling off in a systematic manner worked to their benefit because they set the market,” said Timothy King of CPEX Real Estate. “Each sale almost set a record for one [transaction] but then raised the bar for the next one. This was very thoroughly thought out and executed.”
" the contestant was useless as he said the 1700s.
the correct answer the quiz master gave was the 20th century.
and then he added, "they only began in the 1930s believe it or not.
neat: As long as they claim 1919 as their year of official appointment by Jesus, that's all that matters.
1919 was the year that Rutherford bought the printing presses for the WT
It had nothing at all to do with Jesus and everything to do with the business of selling books
Unless Jesus was the one who was the WT's $$$ source that bailed out the almost bankrupt company
so at the phd today with my wife and me, and in slowly getting to the heart of matters (like peeling an onion if you ask me), the dialogue in part went like this: .
phd: if it came down to it, would you take a bullet in the head instead of giving up membership in your organization?
wife: absolutely, i would die for my faith.
God shows no partiality. Jews claimed they are the chosen ones which history shows God did not endorse. God knew that many would choose their faith according to their likes and dislikes which means no reasoning would work with them. It means God has permitted people to have their own faith which means we too must permit others to have their own faith no matter how unreasonable it may seem.
"I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires"
- Susan B. Anthony