At one minute after 1 p.m. on Jan. 22, 2016, a teenager in La Loche, Sask., wrote a text message to a group of friends.
That message began: "im done with life."
The teen had just killed two people. He was about to kill more.
A friend replied to that initial message by writing: "Why?"
More than two years after the shooting, that question still hangs in the air.
During police interviews and in a statement he read in court, the shooter has given no rationale for why he killed four people or shot up his school.
During a week-long sentencing proceeding, the only hint at a motive was that the teen felt he was "hated at school."
But it's clear from court documents that a few minutes after that text message exchange with friends, the teen walked into the Dene Building of the La Loche Community School with a shotgun and opened fire.
By the time the carnage was over, two people in that school were dead — teacher Adam Wood, 35, and teacher's assistant Marie Janvier, 21 — and seven more were wounded.
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