slim: And as a matter of fact the Catholic Apostolic Church collapsed despite being rich because of its end time doctrine. It still has assets but no members.
Ah. And here we have a clue.
So, Slim, your definition of "collapse" then, is simply "loss of all members"
Well, now don't I feel silly? Here I have been assuming that you have been using the vernacular definition of "collapse".
Is that a post-modern collapse that you are arguing for, then?
Can you share with us what this impeding (or maybe, already happened) "collapse" is going to look like?
If the WTS/org loses all members but still has assets, does that qualify as a postmodern collapse?
*pssst - the Catholic Apolstolic Church collapsed because they didn't build doctrine around the end times not coming. The WTS/org has done that. They do organizational planning for the future. There were no overlapping apostles in the CAC