StarTrek: All elders are directed to contact the branch when they learn of a case of child abuse. Would the conversation between the elder and the branch be considered under the "clergy privilege"? Doesn't clergy privilege apply only when a priest/pastor speaks with a congregant?
The directions for the elders to contact the legal department is to establish a lawyer-client relationship between the elders and the org. The phone call gives the elders legal representation and as such, all their communication with the org becomes confidential.
However, once the elders contact the legal department, they themselves have broken the clergy-penitent privilege and for the life of me, I cannot understand how or why this so-called clergy "privilege" has been allowed to stand.
The org protects their secret pedophile database through the concept of lawyer-client privilege, not clergy privilege.
As per usual, the org wants their cake and eat it too: estoppel.