Incognito: Yet, WT has been so successful containing the paedophile files that various courts continue to demand access to. If WT's data security is so inept or at least mediocre, it's surprising someone hasn't successfully accessed and circulated even a portion of that database.
I am not surprised that the database hasn't been leaked.
I think that the database of pedophiles is kept tight and secure in the org's legal department. If anything is kept at a high level of security, it will be lawyer files. Nobody should be able to leak that information. If a WT/org lawyer leaked it, they would be disbarred.
And, in spite of leaks concerning finances, the actual financial accounting of the org has not been leaked. Where is the master ledger?
I am of the opinion that some of the "leaks" are genuine and some of the "leaks" have been deliberate releasing of information by the org itself.