wakanda: I think when we reminisce we can get back into the mindset we had at the time, i.e. being 19. Silent could have been thinking about the situation from a non-indoctrinated 19 year old point of view, but still 19. Also, drag comedy is seen a lot in society, and we are sort of indoctrinated to laugh at it. ???
I think that JWs in general are indoctrinated to laugh at things that are "different". I have experienced JW in-laws that have laughed very inappropriately at other people who have had unfortunate circumstances. Their funny bones are attached to their asses. As far as drag comedy in "society" goes...that again is a JW funny bone instead of an understanding of what drag comedy is. Oftentimes, JW humor (that I have encountered) is of the derisive sort. Slapstick humor at best.
I would think that a young Bethelite encountering a doddery old fool at the helm of an organization that has promised them that they "wouldn't grow old in this system of things" would have a rude awakening instead of finding it funny. But no. Instead, those same young'uns just substitute themselves into that promise and believe even more deeply in their own infallibility and eliteness. "Not me! I am young. Of course I will be the generation that escapes old age and death!"
Overlapping generations indeed. (I always think of dogs with their tongues hanging out, lapping up water, when I hear that phrase)