dubstepped: ...one tiny point that they take issue with. It's a leftover disease from living in a perfectionist cult.
This is something I have noticed about everything and all that is said or portrayed about the precious JW cult. Tiny, insignificant details are jumped on and made out to be a really, really big deal. It is like the person who argues that the sky isn't blue because it is cloudy that day.
So exhausting is right, dubstepped. I find the opposition to any tiny detail that doesn't fit sucks the energy from the issues at hand - it is like trying to have a discussion with a full blown addict/alcoholic. All they will focus on is that they can prove they fed a kitten once five years ago and ignore that they are falling down drunk.
It drives me crazy
And, like you said...it comes from being raised in a super controlled environment that pretends to be perfect (except when it isn't).
Arrggghhh...I still deal with the fallout from this kind of thinking - family who have left years ago but still use this kind of diversionary tactic to "prove" how right they are and how wrong you are.
The need and desire to be right all the time. As though their entire identity rests on others being wrong.
Anyway...back to the interview and movie. It is good interview and I am not sure that I want to see the movie. I have seen the trailer and it is just too real for me. It made my stomach lurch when I watched it. I left so long ago and watching this movie would put me right back into the environment that I rejected. I don't want to go there.