Simon, your original reply to me was in response to this statement that I had said (you copied and pasted this):
in all my years of being around many, many women and hearing their stories of abuse and such, I have never once, not once, heard a woman say "He smoked a joint and then became violent" but, I have heard (more times than I like) "He started drinking and all hell broke loose. I thought he was going to kill me."
What massive consumption levels of alcohol have to do with this...I dunno... you did a segway (or is that red herring?)
You avoided the statement that you said you were replying to and all of all sudden...the subject changed to "society conditions" and anything else you wanted to throw in there.
My statement addressed domestic violence incidents and nothing else. I don't really care if your friends drink more than they smoke, I was speaking of my experience listening to the experiences of countless women.
(mind you, maybe your drinking friends prove my point)