Thanks for posting that article, Moster.
When this story broke, it circled the world on the assumption that the players involved were high on drugs. Which wasn't true at all - it just made for a good story and people ran with it.
Now we "get the goods".
It wasn't drugs. It was an alternative "medical" practice that induced a shared psychosis. Applied kinesiology - a pseudo scientific practice that requires a high degree of belief in order for the participants to engage in it. And...the participants also didn't eat while they were engaging in their "muscle testing". So....take a group of people who are highly suggestible (as most JWs are - they have the ability to put aside reason when it is convenient for their belief system), engage in applied kinesiology, reduce their food intake...and voila! - Armageddon is here!!!
The sentencing is interesting:
While the kidnapping could have netted each of the accused up to 10 years behind bars, Schaffter accepted a joint submission of a one-year sentence to be served in the community — starting with six months of house arrest — followed by two years of parole, understanding that the family posed no real continued threat to their community.
As part of their conditions, the family is barred from taking part in various forms of alternative medicine, including applied kinesiology.
Applied kinesiology, otherwise known as muscle testing, is a pseudo-scientific alternative medicinal practice where practitioners diagnose and treat their clients based on testing muscles for strength and weakness.
The family members will also have to attend counselling to teach them critical thinking and reasoning skills.
While court psychologists believed it was this mental cocktail of pseudo-science mixed with their religious beliefs that created the delusion behind their crimes, Schaffter acknowledged that many questions around their “bizarre” actions will likely remain unanswered.
The family members will also have to attend counselling to teach them critical thinking and reasoning skills.
Huh. Six months of house arrest. Guess they will have to get their time in by doing online witnessing or something like that.