What more can America do about "gun control"? It's not the 1980's anymore. People can't walk into a gun store, buy a fully automatic Uzi or Mach-10, M-16, etc, fill out a "mail-in" form with a fake ID, and walk out with the fully auto sub-machine gun. Those days are OVER. We have instant background checks. You can't own a fully automatic weapon, silencer, etc without a thorough background check, expensive tax stamps/permits, and without a lot of money, period!!!
I feel background checks should be tied into ones mental medical history though. Currently, because of HIPPA laws, they are NOT. Only if you were "involuntarily committed", does mental illness show up on a background check before purchasing a weapon. That is the ONLY "loop-hole" that I am aware of in this country. Gun Show "loop holes", etc are pure myth, or are being done illegally to begin with. (I've never seen in 20+ years of attending gun shows).
edit: Sigh, the quote button lost my response here, but I was basically agreeing that mental health screening would be a huge help.