I actually know Perry IRL. He has his point of view, makes it known, but doesn't expect you to agree with him.
Does he also refuse to respond to direct questions in real life?
this is a nice list of evolutionary scientists and their quotes regarding the impossibility of naturalism or materialism being able to account for life as it is observed :.
evolutionists against darwinism.
most, while sympathetic and respectful of their more committed colleagues, are disparaged as morons for not carrying the materialism banner as a religion, as a matter of faith.
I actually know Perry IRL. He has his point of view, makes it known, but doesn't expect you to agree with him.
Does he also refuse to respond to direct questions in real life?
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
“As for Dylann Roof? You (deleted)! You want a race war (deleted)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …(deleted)!!!” - Good Morning America, quoted by Wasanelder Once on page 9 of this thread ...
And you attribute this line of his whole rambling "suicide note" that included things like "black men and white women are out to get me," "I've been sexually harassed," and "I refuse to take meds" as having as much importance in this instance, as race (and the outside influences he was reading to focus on that) was to Dylan Root's actions? Over the mental illness that caused him to be constantly and entirely paranoid about everyone being out to get him?
Him being insane is the main focus in this instance for good reason. It's the direct impetuous, and something that can be looked into to make improvements. In Root's case, we had a specific ideology molding him AND mental issues to look at, which is a bit different than non guided paranoia.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
Just like to say that of course people from many religions commit evil etc like this, but the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses without a doubt say that they have the ONLY TRUE beliefs in the whole world, only ones with gods spirit actively guiding & blessing them.........gods only happy people. Now if you have that kind of GOD righteously directing this Noah's Ark.... this shit should not happen..........
Witnesses just say that he was mentally ill/demon possessed, and that Witnesses are prime targets for Satan, and see what happens when you leave the organization. It just feeds into their persecution complex (a complex he apparently carried on wit after leaving).
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
And the left does the exact opposite - showing the Dylan Roof racist shooting as just that, racist, but downplaying or even omitting the racist motives of Vester Flanagan because he himself is black.
What are those "racist motives" exactly?
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
Are you advocating for him?
No. In response to the "why isn't the media reporting this as racism" stuff that Simon was asking, I showed, that OF COURSE the far right is reporting this based on racism, while the same people reported on Dylan Root, who purposely targeted a black church and visited and aligned with racist imagery and sites, focusing on mental illness.
Given that this instance is obviously exhibiting schitzoid/bipolar disorder, with a dash of JW-infused persecution complex and martyrism, it's obvious as to why mental illness has a focus here among more balanced media.
Look at the text of the post above the images - it's pretty clear. edit: Oh, Simon erased the images, uh, okay.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
proponents of evolution theory was comfortable with their easiest method of induction that says something like this: i saw a blind man in the us, then in russia, then in australian, then in africa ..., hence all men are blind.
yet proofs are abundant for the decline (opposite of evolution) we experience globally!.
1) most humans declined into greed, the result of which is climate change which has the potential to wipe out all life from the earth.
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
Funny too how the news is all about mental illness, not the clear racist motivation of the shooter.
That's because when someone has a history of extreme paranoia and violent reaction to that paranoia, they're most likely bipolar or schizophrenic, which are both mental illnesses. And since the shooting was directly targeted towards individuals that his paranoia told him had slighted him as opposed to random people of a skin color, it ties more directly into the illness issues.
But don't worry, ridiculous right wing sites are giving you just what you're looking for (and here's a comparative to show to how they are reporting it as compared to other, related things)
[edited: don't post those images here]
anyone in the usa following this morning's shooting "on-air" live tv will know what i'm talking about.
bryce williams (not real name, but on-air name) shot and killed 2 people on live television this morning in roanoke, va. he was wearing a go-pro camera, and uploaded his first-person video onto his social media accounts.
i've seen his twitter feed (before it was taken down), and not very far down he mentions being raised a jw.
What more can America do about "gun control"? It's not the 1980's anymore. People can't walk into a gun store, buy a fully automatic Uzi or Mach-10, M-16, etc, fill out a "mail-in" form with a fake ID, and walk out with the fully auto sub-machine gun. Those days are OVER. We have instant background checks. You can't own a fully automatic weapon, silencer, etc without a thorough background check, expensive tax stamps/permits, and without a lot of money, period!!!
I feel background checks should be tied into ones mental medical history though. Currently, because of HIPPA laws, they are NOT. Only if you were "involuntarily committed", does mental illness show up on a background check before purchasing a weapon. That is the ONLY "loop-hole" that I am aware of in this country. Gun Show "loop holes", etc are pure myth, or are being done illegally to begin with. (I've never seen in 20+ years of attending gun shows).
edit: Sigh, the quote button lost my response here, but I was basically agreeing that mental health screening would be a huge help.
proponents of evolution theory was comfortable with their easiest method of induction that says something like this: i saw a blind man in the us, then in russia, then in australian, then in africa ..., hence all men are blind.
yet proofs are abundant for the decline (opposite of evolution) we experience globally!.
1) most humans declined into greed, the result of which is climate change which has the potential to wipe out all life from the earth.