It boggles my mind how some exjws use critical thinking to escape the cult and then refuse to use it when it comes to GMOs.
A big chunk of ex-JWs DON'T use critical thinking to escape from there. They get mad at the organization for emotional reasons, and then latch on to any "anti" stuff from there, without checking the validity just to justify their emotions. They just happened to latch on to correct information in those instances.
There's a difference between "this doesn't make logical sense," *does research on both ends and gradually finds out most doctrines are lies,* as opposed to, "I'm mad at the organization for whatever reason, or simply don't want to do this any more," *reads third party saying that the organization is basically lies and agrees right off the bat because it supports their feelings." Both lead to a positive outcome in a sense, but both don't come from the same way of thinking.