Sure, you can 'call' a man a god, but my point was, it does not mean that he is one. I don't believe the scriptures that were quoted by bjc2012 are in evidence that men are gods or can 'rightly' be called so. You can call a Ford a Chevy, sure, but it does not make it one. When God did refer to men as gods, it was in a dramatic, sarcastic way to point out their foolishness & arrogance in their misdeeds. The hebrew word for 'gods' used in Ps. 82 means judge or rulers, which the context of the passage gives evidence to. God is rebuking Israels rulers for unrighteous judgements.
JoinedPosts by agent2863
Isaiah 9:6 (Who is this child?)
by 1ofMany inis this verse not talking of jesus?.
if not please tell me.. if so, he's been given some pretty interesting names don't you think?.
does this not 'hint' that jesus is who evangelical christians believe he is?.
Isaiah 9:6 (Who is this child?)
by 1ofMany inis this verse not talking of jesus?.
if not please tell me.. if so, he's been given some pretty interesting names don't you think?.
does this not 'hint' that jesus is who evangelical christians believe he is?.
A man can never be called God. That is not what God was saying in Exodus 4:16. The context in Ex. 4 reveals that Moses did not want to speak, so the Lord chose Aaron to speak the words which Moses give him, which in turn Moses had received from God. Aaron would not be receiving the words directly from God, but through Moses. The Lord was simply using a metaphor, "as if you were God to him." No where is it stated that Aaron was to 'call' Moses God. The "gods" spoken of in Psalms 82 is a reference to the judges among the people of Israel.(Deut. 1:16,17) God is not really saing they are gods. Whenever 'gods' is used in the entire Bible, it's never a good thing. In John 10:31-36, Jesus is using this reference to catch the Jews. He's playing with them a little to make a point. That is all really beside the point. The main meaning of this passage is that the Jews knew exactly what Jesus was claiming. Because of Jesus' claim in John 10:30, "I and my Father are one.", they were ready to stone Him. Why? Vs.33, "Because you being a man, make yourself God!" That is why they were so upset. Pauls reference to "many gods & many lords" speaks of the idol infested culture he lived in. There is but one God. Isaiah 44:6, 'This what the Lord says, Israel's King & Redeemer, the Lord Almighty, "I am the first & I am the last. Apart from Me there is no God."
Isaiah 9:6 (Who is this child?)
by 1ofMany inis this verse not talking of jesus?.
if not please tell me.. if so, he's been given some pretty interesting names don't you think?.
does this not 'hint' that jesus is who evangelical christians believe he is?.
You are correct 1ofMany. Many try to make excuses for these awsome names that are given here to the Christ child, but none hold any water. The scriptures are clear. If Jesus were just simply a man or an angel, as the W.T. claims, He would not be given these titles. Let the word of God be your authority.
im the 1st u can be the 2nd
by rollercoaster ini cant belive there isnt any post here well i hate to be the 1st but i am so post here pleasa i dont wanna be the only and r any of you second thinkine the jw thing?.
Hi D.C.-girl :), I was curious about your question about "2nd thoughts". What kinda things are giving you trouble?
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
JanH, check out TR's previous post & you'll see what i mean. Your right, it doesn't make sense. A person who doesn't believe in God, but when the subject comes up, they're ready to lay all the worlds trouble at his doorstep.
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
Usually when people who don't believe in God, want to talk about God, they always want to look at the bad in the world and blame God for it. They never want to talk about the thousands upon thousands of people whose lives have been changed by the presence of Christ in their hearts. People saved from lives of drug use, crime, prostitutes, etc. or just ordinary people like me. Fantasies? I don't think so. The bible is old, sure, but even the Smitsonian Institute recognizes it as completely reliable & authentic in matters such as archeology, science, cultures,etc.. There are certain things that can't be authenticated by an institute. That's where faith comes in. But the fact that the bible is so reliable in these areas, gives creedence to the issues that can't be verified by science & archeology.
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
Hi Norm, God doesn't have to search for you, Norm. He knows right where you are. He knew about you before the world began. But it's we who set up our priorties in our lives and for most people that doesn't include 'wasting time' at church and all that religious stuff. I know it wasn't a priority for a lot of my life. Yeh, we read alot about God's times of judgement in the bible, but to be fair, it is mostly about His love for us. I know you said you read the bible many times. Then how did you miss the message of the entire New Tesament. God sending His own Son to die in your(my) place for our sins. Jesus said "No greater love is there that a man lay down his life for his friends". No greater love, indeed. I know you really don't buy all this right now, but the truth is, wether we believe it or not doesn't change the reality of it. Do really want to wait until your dead to find out the truth. I pray you won't. God does love you.
i have a question
by willy_think inmy farther is a jw, my mother is rc i am neither.
i have done a study of world beliefs from, atheist to zoraster.
this includes many wtbts writings, old & new.
Your concerns are justified. The true & living God can only be found in the Bible, not in the W.T. publications. You will find Him, if you search with all your heart. God loves you! :)
by Focus inwe learn in "the test was positive" at that ldh is with child, just before armageddon!
shame on you, lisa haynes, for disregarding the recent advice from the slave:.
*** w88 3/1 22-6 childbearing among god's people ***.
focus, Your thinking is a perfect example of the mis-teachings of the W.T. society. Do the words "Be fruitful & multiply" ring a bell. Jesus loved children & rebuked his disciples when they tried shoo them away. Children are a precious gift from God are to be treated and received as such. I know of many who take their entire family on the mission field. What a way, by example, to show your children the importance of reaching out to your fellow man in the name of Christ! So you say, according to the W.T.'s 'prophecies', that we should deny ourselves the pure pleasures in this life, like children. Just like those who trusted in Charles Taze Russell. Those who gave up their livelihoods, education plans, homes etc., due to 'his' prophecies that the world was about to end with Jesus' return. Which in case you haven't noticed, didn't happen. This happened several times. The scriptures are clear about false prophets. Christ is returning, that is true. We need to make sure we're placing our trust in sound teaching, based solely off the word of God.
Why I Think Its The Truth!
by normie67 inthis is normie thoughts on the threads about the truth..... i have huge doubts about a lot of things about the org.
i have been a jw for 20 yrs and still active(family reasons).
but nobody but nobody has refuted to my mind, the fact nobody does the evangelizing work jesus did.