Jesus can never be equal to Jehovah, for the simple reason, Jehovah is the creator, Jesus is the creation.
Hey Logical, where do you find in scripture that Jesus was ever created?
hopefully a learned jw can answer this for me.. i have many jw friends & attended a couple of meetings.. one friend dropped by every month or so handing out pamphlets etc.
and we enjoyed the visits.
one saturday i asked him who was savior and he said jesus.
Jesus can never be equal to Jehovah, for the simple reason, Jehovah is the creator, Jesus is the creation.
Hey Logical, where do you find in scripture that Jesus was ever created?
stand back baby, i don't know how big this thing gets!.
[with head hanging in shame and waiting for the flak].
What was the first thing Adam REALLY said to Eve?
"You're new here, aren't you?"
hopefully a learned jw can answer this for me.. i have many jw friends & attended a couple of meetings.. one friend dropped by every month or so handing out pamphlets etc.
and we enjoyed the visits.
one saturday i asked him who was savior and he said jesus.
If your reading the New World Translation, that's where the confusion begins. John 1:1 for example, "In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was a god".(NWT) The W.T. inserted 'a' into the text for their own purposes. The greek text does not support the use of 'a' here. They know what it means, but it goes against what they teach. You're correct in your assumption. Jesus & Jehovah are one & the same. "...and the Word was God;....and the Word became flesh." Jn 1:1,14. Easy. See ya!
my first birthday celebration.
by kristen 4/5/01.
having been brought up in the organization since age 3, the only memory of a birthday celebration i had was an old photograph of when i was 2. in front of the camera was my sister and i, with a cake baked in a regular rectangle cake pan, frosted, and with two candles sitting on top.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KRISTEN!!! It's great to see you enjoying yourself. Birthdays are a great time to show love to others & also receive love that others want to show us. Life is a gift from God & should be celebrated! Nothing wrong with that.
a few reasons we can know that we have the same bible that was used by early christians are as follows: in 1611 king james ordered that the bible be put into the language of the people.
the earliest manuscripts they had at the time were, for the old testament about 8th century ad, and for the new testament, about 11th century ad.
in 1947 in the caves in qumran above the dead sea, there were discovered over 200 clay jars in over 200 caves, scrolls, which made up the entire old testament.
Hi Francoise. I checked it out a little deeper & you were right. It wasn't what I was led to believe. Although some of the text in the scrolls confirm parts of the O.T., it's not as major as was claimed. Big boofoo on my part. See ya!
a few reasons we can know that we have the same bible that was used by early christians are as follows: in 1611 king james ordered that the bible be put into the language of the people.
the earliest manuscripts they had at the time were, for the old testament about 8th century ad, and for the new testament, about 11th century ad.
in 1947 in the caves in qumran above the dead sea, there were discovered over 200 clay jars in over 200 caves, scrolls, which made up the entire old testament.
My wife is a worshiper of Java. And I'm sure she would enjoy a pilgrimage to Mt. Coffee. She's tried to convert me, but it's just not for me. Maybe I should be glad she has Java, or I might find out about armegedeon first hand!
a few reasons we can know that we have the same bible that was used by early christians are as follows: in 1611 king james ordered that the bible be put into the language of the people.
the earliest manuscripts they had at the time were, for the old testament about 8th century ad, and for the new testament, about 11th century ad.
in 1947 in the caves in qumran above the dead sea, there were discovered over 200 clay jars in over 200 caves, scrolls, which made up the entire old testament.
Hi Battman, (now where have I heard that name before. Hmmmm) I guess my post came out sounding a little stiff. Not meant as an argument though, just some info i had. And definitely not a case for 'King James only'. That was just kinda a starting point for my little history lesson. I prefer the New American Standard myself, although there are lots of good translations. (New World Translation not being one them) Seee ya!
a few reasons we can know that we have the same bible that was used by early christians are as follows: in 1611 king james ordered that the bible be put into the language of the people.
the earliest manuscripts they had at the time were, for the old testament about 8th century ad, and for the new testament, about 11th century ad.
in 1947 in the caves in qumran above the dead sea, there were discovered over 200 clay jars in over 200 caves, scrolls, which made up the entire old testament.
A few reasons we can know that we have the same Bible that was used by early Christians are as follows: In 1611 King James ordered that the Bible be put into the language of the people. The earliest manuscripts they had at the time were, for the Old Testament about 8th century AD, and for the New Testament, about 11th century AD. In 1947 in the caves in Qumran above the Dead Sea, there were discovered over 200 clay jars in over 200 caves, scrolls, which made up the entire Old Testament. These scrolls were dated from 200BC to 100BC. By comparison, with translations of today there is an accuracy rate of 99.999%. The small % of inaccuracies dealing only with things like commas, etc.. Nothing related to theology at all. In the last 100 years through modern archeology, there have been found, 3500 complete manuscripts of the New Testament from the first 3 centuries, and 5700 portions. One of these portions, being the Gospel of John, which can be found in the British Museum in London, has been dated as belonging to the 1st century AD. The New Testament we have today has been found to have an accuracy rate of 99.9%. Again, any differences are mainly due to few grammatical inconsistencies, nothing, which affects the theology aspects. The Bible is actually one most well documented works we have today if not the most
there are many churches [gr.
ekklesia's], bearing a great variety of names, and holding to many shades of belief with respect to the teachings of jesus and his apostles.
when considering these differences of viewpoint it is not out of order, i think, to inquire as to what the church really is, and what the divine purpose is concerning it.
I believe the church is actually the believers themselves. God inhabits his people. The buildings we go to are convenient places to meet. All the denominations we have I think are mainly born out of man's varying views on certain scriptures, so they take their ball & go play somewhere else. This was not God's original idea. I believe the scriptures teach a difference in opinions is OK to an extent, but it's caused a lot of confusion for an unbelieving world that doesn't know which way to turn when it wants answers to lifes big question. You don't see all these denominations in the bible, just faith in Christ. The best a person can do is know God's word & find the place they feel is being faithful to correct teaching. I do believe it is essential to a strong spiritual life to have a place to gather together with other believers for support & fellowship & so that you can be a support & a friend to others too. This also is taught in bible.
one of the things that used to annoy me in the new testament was the "believe in jesus" message.
any explainations seemed fuzzy at best so i decided to take a run at it from behind and find the definintion of an is what i came up with and i welcome other opinions.
many of the people around jesus were jews, they walked with him, talked with him, listened to his teachings and witnessed his miracles.
Hi Francoise, you said:
I see no problem with the idea that Jesus was born of Mary, that the progenitor of his physical body was Joseph (in the usual and time honored manner),
If I read you right, Joseph had nothing to do with the physical conception of Jesus.
Matthew 1:18
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: when His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit.