Yeah, I can understand when you here someone say now "hey, look over here, I've got the truth", the warning bells are gonna go off,"yeah, right buddy!" For some, it'll just just take time. I don't belong to any organization. I'm just a christian. I go to an independant christian church, not part of any denomination. I would not say someone 'has' to come to my church to receive true knowledge. There are lot's of good bible preaching churches out there. But the organization told lot's of lies, like there's no heaven (unless your of the lucky 144,000), there's no hell, there's no satan. I suggest the Bible only. Learn about Jesus. See what 'He' says. I'm a screw-up. He's not. God loves you & He's waiting patiently to show you all He has for you. Trust Him.
JoinedPosts by agent2863
Most of the people on this message board I've noticed are either ex-JW's or in the process. Good for you! It is sad to see all the hurt & pain & confusion that the Org has caused, and continues to cause. But I'm wondering, what now? Are you interested in knowing who God really is and the joy and freedom a personal relationship with Him can bring? I've read in some posts where any more bible study is the last thing you want. Understandable. I beleive I'd feel the same. But now that you know the lies & how they twisted scripture, maybe it's time to take a look at what 'they' warned you so much about. The reason that there is no joy among JW's is because they deny every basic teaching of real christianity that could bring you joy. Such as the person of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised that He would be in you & you would experience "peace that passes understanding". I know alot of you are angry, & should be, but don't let the Org continue to rob you of knowing the true joy of a personal relationship with God.
thinker's thoughts on the Bible...
by thinker inthomas jefferson said of jesus's teachings:.
"they have been still more disfigured by the corruptions of schismatizing followers, who have found an interest in sophisticating and perverting the simple doctrines he taught, by engrafting on them the mysticisms of a grecian sophist, frittering them into subtleties, and obscuring them with jargon, until they have caused good men to reject the whole in disgust, and to view jesus himself as an impostor.
" (from jefferson's syllabus of an estimate of the.
You didn't even need a study guide to figure that out, did you? Good message. :)
Using or Abusing Thee Name
by Carmel injdubs claim to be gods sole reps on earth basically because the judge adopted the name and thus were "honoring" it.
the israelites were suposedly abandoned by god because they "dishonored his name".
yet we all know judiasm does not use or utter any "name", it is forbidden!
Good thougts Carmel. That's right.
God's will or free will?
by thinker ini've heard many people tell me about bible prophesy.
if the bible can predict future events then it stands to reason that those events are predetermined and man has no choices in this world.
think about all the choices you've made in your life and how different life for you would be if you had done things differently.
Hi Thinker. When a certain event is set for the future, it doesn't guarantee your roll or participation in it. If you know three months from now there's a concert that's definitely coming to your town on a certain date, there can be a couple of different outcomes depending upon your response. Wether you choose to go or not, the event is still going to take place. The event happenning is not dependant upon wether you go or not. There is no loss of free will. If Christ says He coming back, you don't have to go with Him. You have a choice.
by nogs inwhy do we have top get involved in the fight between god and satan?.
why can't we just opt out like we do in the fights between the nations?.
i never chose to be on satans side or on jehovahs side although if i had to chose i would chose gods side.. even though they seems to be the same amount of killing innocents on both sides.. it seems like we are pawns, disposible.. im sorry guys but i have always wondered this, have you???.
Hi Naomi, your question is a good one. Stephenw20 is right. We're not just existing physically here on earth. We have a spirit too, which is actually the greater reality. We might get 50-70 yrs on this earth. But once we die, that's forever!
That's just how the world makes us feel. Kinda, you're just a number mentality. There is a God & I'm glad! He loves us so much. He gives me a feeling of great importance & purpose in this world. And I don't mean to see how many magazines I can sell. God loves you & has a great plan for your life. God said in the New Testament if we would draw near to Him, He will draw near to us. Hope this helps. :)
Is it possible to become a Jehovah's Witness by reading the Bible alone?
by agent2863 in"don't you think it would surely be impossible for a person to become a jehovah's witness by reading the bible alone?
can someone really come to believe jehovah's witness doctrine by reading the bible only?
for example, if you were to have only read the bible, with no watchtower study aids, do you think that you would have come to the conclusion that heaven closed its doors in 1935, or that jesus is really the archangel micheal?
Hi Scorpion, Your right, to a point. I think all of us need help at times to understand the scriptures, but the Bible alone needs to be our source. The W.T. insists that you must use their magazines & studies to understand what you're reading. My point was & is that there is no way you would come up with the claims they make by using just the Bible. That's why they discourage you from doing so. They know that.
Is it possible to become a Jehovah's Witness by reading the Bible alone?
by agent2863 in"don't you think it would surely be impossible for a person to become a jehovah's witness by reading the bible alone?
can someone really come to believe jehovah's witness doctrine by reading the bible only?
for example, if you were to have only read the bible, with no watchtower study aids, do you think that you would have come to the conclusion that heaven closed its doors in 1935, or that jesus is really the archangel micheal?
"Don't you think it would surely be impossible for a person to become a Jehovah's Witness by reading the Bible alone? Can someone really come to believe Jehovah's Witness doctrine by reading the Bible only? For example, if you were to have only read the Bible, with no Watchtower study aids, do you think that you would have come to the conclusion that heaven closed its doors in 1935, or that Jesus is really the Archangel Micheal?"
Identity of 'Spiritual Israel'
by Jr inin order to qualify as spiritual israel there has to be certain fundamental characteristics or basic truths.
these basic truths are revealed in the law covenant given by moses.
and can be traced down from the nation of israel, down through the 1st century congregation, and further down until our day and time.
Yes, I see scriptural support to show JWs as the nation of “Israel”, “Modern day Israel”.from JR's original post. Hi JR. I find it really hard to believe that the WTBTS is a true organization from God, let alone "spiritual Israel" with it's roots (and much of the tree) grounded in false prophets & prophecies. Even though it's not in the list of criteria, 'telling the truth' is a big one.
Isaiah 9:6 (Who is this child?)
by 1ofMany inis this verse not talking of jesus?.
if not please tell me.. if so, he's been given some pretty interesting names don't you think?.
does this not 'hint' that jesus is who evangelical christians believe he is?.
Hello RR. Because Christ gave his life as a sacrifice, makes Him our Saviour. "Eternal Father" is a clear identity of His deity. I mean, how many "Eternal Fathers" can there be? I thought J.W.'s didn't believe Jesus was eternal.