JoinedTopics Started by agent2863
The Bible: same now as then?
by agent2863 ina few reasons we can know that we have the same bible that was used by early christians are as follows: in 1611 king james ordered that the bible be put into the language of the people.
the earliest manuscripts they had at the time were, for the old testament about 8th century ad, and for the new testament, about 11th century ad.
in 1947 in the caves in qumran above the dead sea, there were discovered over 200 clay jars in over 200 caves, scrolls, which made up the entire old testament.
Is it possible to become a Jehovah's Witness by reading the Bible alone?
by agent2863 in"don't you think it would surely be impossible for a person to become a jehovah's witness by reading the bible alone?
can someone really come to believe jehovah's witness doctrine by reading the bible only?
for example, if you were to have only read the bible, with no watchtower study aids, do you think that you would have come to the conclusion that heaven closed its doors in 1935, or that jesus is really the archangel micheal?