I was converted - my former stance was one where I'd always hoped there was a universal hope/ purpose.
I'd not really been to a church of Christendom since I was a child, and my disgust for the churches and the results of their religious teachings was quite intense. I loved good moral code, but hated the hypocrisy and centuries of bloodshed, caused by religion. The Catholic religion in particular held a terrible history in this regard.
So, there was I, 30 something and starting to really ponder the big questions. Along comes a JW into my life - I guess I was in the perfect place at the perfect time to embrace the teachings.
Here was a Christian faith that hated all other churches!!!!! Brilliant!
I gobbled it up.
I thought I was asking all the right questions, I researched ......under the direction of my study conductor.
I have found that my "church" lies, it's "voice" throughout its literature is...... Troubling? Disconcerting?
There is something terribly wrong going on - how could I begin to direct people to a culture that does NOT RESPECT the individual human coinscience? A "church" where once that person is baptised, they are under the law of Stephen Lett or another Rutherford type could come into play - who knows? There is no wiggle room once that person is baptised - and WE know it. We thus encourage them to live a deceptive Christian life in conflict with the command to obey the FDS in all things - if we remain in the active ministry and continue to stake our place in the worldwide "family".
I was pronounced as being extraordinarily humble and hungry for truth, by my new Jehovahs Witness friends.
Now, I'm something else, quite ugly in their eyes.
I've asked questions that scream for truth in their crafting, simple but to the point. The avoidance reaction is disturbing to say the least.
Finally, Bro J and others who are "working from within" - next time you go on service, and maybe meet a young family, a mother with children perhaps - as you begin your "presentation" take a look into the children's eyes. Check your heart and conscience - you are taking them one step closer into to your world. A world where that child will not simply know Jesus, but first will be under the law of another Franz, another Rutherford...
Think about it.
Please :-)