Problemaddict hit nail on head.
Doctrine and spiritual 'meat' is not too important to the stay-in/ born-ins....
A younger born in friend who by her life choices obviously doesn't live as if we're in the end times - a lifetime of heavy duty career moves, accumulating property and never pioneering, ever...suddenly out of the blue got all excited last year at the international conv - sending me pics and exclaiming 'the best, best conv ever!!!!!!' - she loved it, the new hip style of vids ( the interior room shots looked pretty cool) the Mexican waves ......I texted back 'so good you enjoyed, what was the main spiritual encouragement/ scripture that you took away' - I haven't been to meetings for 3 years and she knows it - and I got silence. Couldn't be bothered to sort out exactly what scriptural element made it the 'best ever' - she's not alone - pretty, smart and a worldwide network of family - the WTBTS had some clever branding consultants helping to gloss up the self image of the JWS.