Hi lostwun,
I just want to share a thing or two.
When I was a full in JW (I'm talking fever pitch here ;-) ) - I had reason to be desperately disturbed by some of my husband's behaviour and....deep breath....I confided in Elders and 'mature Christian friends'.
Not just once, but over several periods during our marriage. I'm ashamed.
At that time I felt absolutely guilt free re sharing my concerns because I was terrified. Terrified that Satan was influencing my husband, that I might lose my husband to 'the world' - I wanted to be partnered with a spiritual head, to stand 'shoulder to shoulder' together. He always dragged his feet. It sometimes frightened me.
So, you may I ask what kind of person am I? Now, I look back and think how wrong that was.
We've been married over 30 years and it was actually me who first instigated pulling away from the Org as I kept uncovering the inconsistencies and my eyes opened wide to the dishonest nature of the org.
My husband has forgiven me for my breach of confidence, for dragging him in front of Elders and basically making our marriage a threesome with the Borg.
I loved him, I sought 'spiritual help' because I cared intensely.
A threefold cord with a cult is not a threefold cord with God. An entirely different thing.
We both know each other, the good, bad and ugly. He trusts me. We've learnt painful lessons. We're still doing life together.
It's not impossible to rebuild trust, just be aware that your husband is responding to the same terrifying brainwashing that I responded to.
If you stripped away all the religion, all the cult/mob mentality - do you see a man who loves you and who you could love back?
Thats the thing.
If this post is 'hi-jacking' - is it? I'm sorry if it is.....I'll hope for the best and press 'post'. X