I've been to a few baptist services - it seems there is room for diverse perspectives within the congregations - I don't see it as a future 'home'...but I'll visit.
I have a very strong spiritual hunger.....I used to love the JW bible studies way back, I just can't stomach that I had no choice but to accept teachings as current 'truth' at the time, when later, much is adjusted and changed, after I had seriously worked hard to study and make a particular 'old' interpretation 'work'.
I hated religion when I first met the witnesses.....I thought they were 'different' - over the years I couldn't live with a hurt conscience when I strongly could hear manipulative language and unloving guilt tripping.....and so much more.
Be patient. Church of England is extremely ritual based, so no surprises there. It wouldn't be for me as a 'home'.
I'm not looking for a church 'home' right now - but I find beauty and spiritual richness in participating in life and trusting that a greater purpose exists....
The org frightened me towards the end. Maybe I could have lived in the bubble if I had kept my head down, but I couldn't in all good conscience represent an organisation which I believe has a dangerously damaging culture.
Try getting involved in community driven aid, joining groups who are committed to helping fellow folk. You may find like minded believers who you can comfortably build friendships with....and at the same time, serve. But this way, you don't get to count hours.....how terrible was that?!!!!