stillin28 minutes agoOnly speaking for myself, I saw value. Principles that weren't really honored in the churches, like honesty, and pacifism, and loyalty. I really felt that these people were taking a solid stand against the "darkness" do the world. Like the ones who stood up to Hitler. This seemed like just the thing. The Bible seemed to be the key, the people were friendly, etc, etc ad nauseum.
So I joined, let myself be separated from my friends, I had new friends now. And I toughed out the details for more than 30 years until my bullshit meter started howling, "too much invisible shit! Too much invisible shit!" And I realized that knowing the "party line" to answer any questions is not true wisdom. Knowing when to say "I don't know" is the beginning of wisdom.
My experience practically to a T.
Like you my 'bullshit' meter was screeching.
Since fading away, the madness seems to have intensified in the whole 'production'.
And after I had 'faded' I followed the Australia RC, watching each video.
I felt sick. I felt justified in walking away....I coukd not uphold this kind of behaviour, manipulative language and ducking and diving and 'recruit' hopeful seekers into this organisation.
Clearly something as terribly wrong.