My observation as a convert was that the average witness is ‘in’ because of the things Menrov spoke about.
One thing that got to me....was our poor witnessing model...using those magazines, pushing articles about stuff, hiding watchtowers about bizarre scriptural interpretations of ‘classes’ of this and that, prophetic dramas involving the WTBTS.
We hid those ‘crazy’ study articles in the inside covers of bland Awakes, because if we were honest with ourselves, we were embarrassed. we were, believing these poor people, our target, the population of mankind were in line for an angry and terrifying annihilation from a wrathful God....unless they accepted our ‘knock’ on their spiritual door.
Yet, in such apparent urgent times, we distributed too many half truths and full lies.
And.... did the average JW REALLY behave like a person who was aware that the world of humans was in line for extinction unless the JW ‘message’ was accepted?
Did we go back to our homes, tearful, sad and in prayerful minds given the monumental nature of our work?
Nope....after service, we’d lunch, share coffees...and have a good laugh.
It was NOT the true, undefiled gospel.
The good news for all mankind, was not good news for all mankind.
Even if you think it’s all a load of rubbish, the true ‘Good News’ looks very different to the not so ‘Good News’ of the exclusive world of JWs.