I stopped going to meetings around 7-8 years ago.
I was in my mid 50s at the time - over 25 years of building and forging rich friendships. Yes, yes, I know - so you could say they were not ‘real’ friends. But deeply close friendships stay in your heart.
Also, I know that politics can put distance between the closest friendships.
I’m sure that If I became a passionate and vocal Neo- Nazi supporter, I’d lose all my current friends - and I wouldn’t blame them.
The problem is that for witnesses, there are only two sides in this world - Jehovah’s side and Satan’s side. You stop going to meetings, stop nodding vigorously to all the teachings....that’s Satan’s ‘side’ to the JW.
EVEN though you may still honour and keep Scriptural living standards etc...even if you still keep faith in God... to the Witness, you can only be understood as having moved to the dark side.
Do I miss them? Do I miss the security of community, the decades old relationships?
Oh yes. It hurts.
But being with them was hurting too.
Have made some sweet new friends, it takes time. Fortunately I had non-witness friends who I’d known prior to converting who are still part of my life.
But I have to say, it’s hard to just forget those particularly close friends who remain in the org. They were family to me.