On the 18th of September I turned in my Disassociation Letter in to the Tigard Congregation, 19 years ago.
My son turned in his letter in November 2001, 19 years ago shortly after me. He was 21 years old.
Two days ago we were working together on a wrap for his A/C unit on his bus.
Out of blue, he says "I still miss it Dad. Not the religion. I'm so glad we are out of that. I miss my friends, I miss the weddings and gatherings. I miss being able to sit and rap with my friends, The guys I grew up with."
"Yes, I know what you mean."
Yes, it's been 19 years and we are still feeling the pain of shunning.
Our friends ripped from us simple because we decided not to be in the same religion as them. If it had been another religion no big deal. However not so with the Jehovah's Witnesses.
One constellation, at least my grand children will not have to deal with this kind of mental abuse.