Interesting to see how a worldwide campaign could be handled so yes please
JoinedPosts by Poztate
2020-08-14 Announcement! (as of 2020-08-15)
by Atlantis in2 documents.
2020-08-14 announcement.
one in english and one in german.. .
The Guardian: Former Jehovah's Witness elders call for mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse
by AndersonsInfo in
two former jehovah’s witness elders have called for mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse, saying the organisation believes it is “answerable only to god”.. duncan corbett, who was an elder for 18 years, told the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse that the protection of minors and the handling of abuse claims must be taken out of the church’s hands.
“let them deal with the sin and the authorities handle the crime,” he told a hearing in london.. lloyd evans, another former elder who now campaigns against religious fundamentalism, said: “this is a group that feels they are answerable only to god … they don’t feel as though they need to yield to any regulations that are imposed on them.”.
It doesn't seem like the UK inquiry into child sexual abuse is quite as focused and determined to promote real change to WT policies that allow this situation to exist. It might just end at the fact finding level. I hope I am wrong and they will be able to somehow hold the WT to account for their deeply flawed policies. The Australian Royal Commission seemed to be more aggressive than them and even they are having a very hard time to effect any real change to the WT so far
Witness reaching out to me after 20+ years...
by SouthCentral ina few weeks ago; a witness couple from the midwest reached out to me after 25+ years.
they said they were doing a letter writing campaign and decided to reach out to me… they called on my personal cell phone, which was a little surprising.
a few days ago, a couple that i knew from over 40 years ago, sent me a text, again to my personal cell phone.. i assume that they just googled my name to get the personal info.
The June WT being studied at the August 3-30 meetings has two articles encouraging the rounding up of the "strays" and walkaways.The full congregation,not just Elders are encouraged to take part in this. Relatives are told to seek out inactive ones in the family group also.
I am part of the second group. Although I parted company with the WT in 1982 (inactive status) I fully expect some of my extended WT family to irritate me this month also in a futile attempt to "reactivate me" It is annoying but I am sure it won't last for long.
2020-08-S-236-E-- Instructions For New Regular Pioneers!
by Atlantis in2 documents.
2020-08 instructions for new regular pioneers, s-236-e, in english and in spanish.time to grab the hair brush.!.
Yes Please to Me
Mandatory Donations??? Is This Accurate?
by Atlantis indoes the information about mandatory donations in this post sound accurate to you?. petra!
It seems a little suspicious since it is coming from a new poster who signed up just to give us this information. I would be a lot more comfortable with a long time,well known poster doing this. The same applies to this site.
Assistance Received!--2020-August-S-147-E Announcements And Reminders! (as of 2020-08-02)
by Atlantis insomeone has stepped forward to assist us.
that sure didn't take very long!.
2020-august-s-147-e announcements and reminders, in english and in german.. .
Glad you found another source. Would love to see it... Thanks
Manual-- Instructions For COVID-19 and Announcement-2020-07-17
by Atlantis inletters are from spain:2020-07-17 english announcement2020-07-17 spanish announcement2020-07-17 english instruction manual for covid-19, 18 pages with 8 chapters.table of contentsgeneral precautionsmeetingsfield ministryshepherdingtheocratic facilities and construction projectscongregation expensesjudicial mattersconventions and assemblies2020-07-17 spanish instruction manual for covid-19, 18 pages with 8 chapters.índiceprecauciones generalesreunionesministeriopastoreoedificios destinados a actividades espirituales y proyectos de construccióngastos de la congregaciónasuntos judicialesasambleas regionales y de circuitothose on the email list have already received these documents.
if you are not on the email list, reply below for a download link to be sent to your pm box.petra!
Would love to have it. Thanks for all your hard work and your update on Blondie. I miss her too.
2 Letters Arrived--COVID-19--Instructions--and Consent Form--(as of 2020-07-09)
by Atlantis in2020-07-04--and 2020-07 consent and contact form.
direction related to covid-19 pandemic for bodies of eldersgeneral precautionssecular authoritiesmeetingsfield ministryshepherdingtheocratic facilities and congregation recordscongregation expensesjudicial and other serious mattersconventions and assembliesschedule for viewing 2020 convention sessionstheocratic schools-----------------------------------letter 2 is a form to be filled out for:consent and contact details for attendees at the kingdom hallin order to support the nhs test and trace programme, we are taking contact details (name and telephone number) of all visitors, as well as recording the times people have entered and left the kingdom hall.if you are on the email list these letters are already sitting by your tv.
if you are not on the email list, reply below that you want a link put in your pm box.petra!
Would like a PM Thanks
3 English and 3 Spanish Letters Arrived! (as of 2020-07-06)
by Atlantis in3 english and 3 spanish letters arrived as of (2020-07-06).
textos bíblicos y referencias para visitas de ánimo.
scriptures and references for encouraging calls.
Would like a PM Thank You
18 Letters Arrived Today--English and German!--(as of 2020-06-25)
by Atlantis inatlantis just handed me 18 letters to send out.
we have english and german letters with various topics.. .
Yes Please To Me