Phase Three: Re-formingAs your dreams become schemes you'll begin itching to make them come true. This signals Phase Three, the implementation stage of the change process. Phase Three is when you stop fantasizingOnly Six more days and counting and this stage can begin for you.
JoinedPosts by Poztate
Stages of Change
by Mysterious ini read this article in a magazine and typed up part of it for a friend but i thought it was interesting.
maybe someone else will get some benefit out of it to:.
phase one: dissolving.
An almost normal day in dubdom
by Mysterious inwow i must say today was an almost normal day in dubdom if you ignore the few points of terror.
i got to go hang with a world friend for a few hours and get my christmas present.
and of course today was my last day ever to go door to door and my second last watchtower preparation.
So please be kind to her when reality hits her. She may become a mess.
This is kind of what I expect to happen when we finally have to have "The Talk" with Mom.
How it will turn out,we do not know.That is why we decided to wait until after a mini vacation we had planned a long time ago as a family.
After the holidays we will be putting a real full load on Mom.How it will turn out in the end is anyones guess. All we can do is hope for the best but what has to be said and what has to be done will be said and done right after the holiday.I am wishing for the best but fearing the worst.You can never judge fully what another persons reaction will be especially when their minds are fully in the control of the borg.
Question about Generation of 1914
by Gretchen956 incould someone please send me the references that changed the thinking (new light, if you will) about those alive to recognize the significance of 1914 being alive to see armeggedon?
someone is asking me about this and i have been out too long.
6 Not only must we pay attention to the inspired prophecies concerning these final days of a wicked system but we must anchor our faith primarily on the precious sacrifice of Christ Jesus and God?s marvelous promises based thereon. (Hebrews 6:17-19; 9:14; 1 Peter 1:18, 19; 2 Peter 1:16-19) Eager to see the end of this evil system, Jehovah?s people have at times speculated about the time when the "great tribulation" would break out, even tying this to calculations of what is the lifetime of a generation since 1914. However, we "bring a heart of wisdom in," not by speculating about how many years or days make up a generation, but by thinking about how we "count our days" in bringing joyful praise to Jehovah. (Psalm 90:12) Rather than provide a rule for measuring time, the term "generation" as used by Jesus refers principally to contemporary people of a certain historical period, with their identifying characteristics.
This quote is from the nov1/95 wt if that is what you are looking for
Someone is asking me about this and I have been out too long.
There is no such thing as being out too long
Are "young people the Jehovah's' growth market:"?
by blondie in,5942,8215848,00.html
getting a foot in door
by heather low choy .
What do the baptisms show, 3/4 are children of current JWs.
I believe a lot of their growth comes from the children of JW's.
Maybe the next"new light" we will receive in the pages of the WT will be a breeding program to help get the numbers up.
Can Jesus "Save" you from Jehovah's Witnesses?
by jst2laws ini recieved a pm from a born again christian asking how i might aid him in helping a relative excape the wt.
while i am not a born again christian, the teaching of jesus that we can remove guilt and be right with god just by believing it is done helped me out.
gal 3:11-13: consequently, it is clear that no one can ever win god's favor by trying to keep the jewish laws, because god has said that the only way we can be right in his sight is by faith.
Just wait five years
by Euphemism ini was just reading crisis of conscience, and i was struck by something a judicial committee said to ed dunlap.the committee urged him to "wait on the organization," saying, "who knows?
perhaps five years from now many or all of these things you are saying will be published and taught.".
it struck me because when i had my meeting with the elders, one of them said almost the exact same thing.. ironic, isn't it?
When I questioned the DF'ing policy and the flip flops in how it was applied I was urged just to put it out of my mind and"wait on jehovah"
I just told them that that wasn't going to happen and did my thinking with my feet.That was in 1982 and I never regreted even for a second leaving that corrupt,manipulative sect.Blind,dumb loyalty is the first thing that a dub is urged to practice.They know and fear that the second that you start to question you will be gone.
Stages of Change
by Mysterious ini read this article in a magazine and typed up part of it for a friend but i thought it was interesting.
maybe someone else will get some benefit out of it to:.
phase one: dissolving.
Expect things to go wrong. To become all you can be you must keep working toward your dreams even when your initial efforts are unsuccessful.
Changes happen when we take control of our lives and make things happen.It is not always a smooth process but in the end if we maintain our focus we will get to the place we want to be.
How to change 1914
by Bendrr inchances are this post will find it's way to the eyes of the spies in brooklyn but what the hell.
i'm here to help, even if it means sending a crate of ammo to the enemy.. as a rule i stay out of discussions of the empire's doctrinal issues.
not that i don't read them, i just usually don't have anything to add.
Hey Bendrr,
You are good.This sounds like new light in the making.I am sure one of the "dark force lurkers" will be getting this thought back to the "evil empire' as we speak.I would recommend you put a copyright on this post.You could then collect a royalty every time they used this "new light"
Traveling Overseers- Extended Training
by pillsbury ini have heard that the co's and do's are being systematically called back to ny for extended training.
now normally this is no big deal as they do go back from time to time for training but this time it is for a 8-9 week training course (without their wives).
from what i have heard they are going to be emphasizing more oversite or control over the congregations from a circuit level (i am sure they are discussing other issues as well).
A question regarding letters of disassociation....
by logansrun inare elders instructed to contact a jw who has written a letter of da before they make the announcement to the congregation?
i mean, even a phone call to persuade them not to take that course of action?
the reason i ask is my father told me that no one contacted him in any way when he mailed his da letter to the elders.
I think the local elders have the final say on how they handle it.If they regard the person as a trouble maker they are probally relieved to get the DA letter.They no longer have to think about the matter.It is not about compassion,humanity or love for your fellow man.It's about getting rid of a problem so they don't have to deal with it.