This made me think about an article about names African witness parents had given their children, on the back page of the awake a few years ago and how they were showing their faith by giving them WT literature based names. They were named liked the key words kids would highlight in the Watchtower to stave off mind numbing boredom....'Paradise', ' Kingdom' ,'Hope ' , 'Steadfast', 'Zeal'', Prize', Rapidgrowth etc-ok ; I made that last one up... lisavgas..... Armageddon..??thats awful!!
JoinedPosts by reboot
Names you would never give your child
by Nosferatu inokay, everyone list names you'd never give to your child.
here's mine:.
Are you a people person or a loner?
by Strawberryfieldsforever ini've heard that there are people who thrive on being with people.
they gain energy from it.
then there are the loners who gain energy from being alone.
I think I may have a dual personality
it depends how i'm feeling-if my life's going well I become more and more confident and sociable; I love to be with people and will talk to anyone....I like seeing people opening up and getting animated, getting to know them...I'm tactile and very sociable at college, switching 'on' as soon as I get there, and when out with friends everyone tells me how they can't imagine me being intimidated by anyone or
i'm also very easily hurt, shy, think people talk to me to be 'kind', pathetically insecure;and regularily crave my own company; on a quiet day I love nothing more than a fire, a good book and silence.
would you hit a woman if she hit you first? (for men)
by pudd ini would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
(((sorry if that came across badly, Shera))) Im crap at this posting-thing sometimes
I was'nt having a go......forgive me??
would you hit a woman if she hit you first? (for men)
by pudd ini would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
no! shera wasnt at all- thats why i started my post with a hugjust don't want the thread to get confused with another form of abuse.
would you hit a woman if she hit you first? (for men)
by pudd ini would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
There is self defense and self defense. If a woman is in serious danger, too right you would hit hard were it hurts, but is it not also a form of self defense when the man you love has you pinned in a corner, being verbaly abusive? if he refuses to let her go, and is being threatening in his behavior while i am not saying she should have slapped him, but i am saying it was understandable.
I was also responding to this.The question that is being asked very clearly is defining more and more as the thread progresses- as my answers are also trying to.This is very upsetting for me and im sorry if it's coming across badly- but people MUST understand the difference between being labelled as 'violent' by a lunatic when you're acting in self defence cos youre scared.
would you hit a woman if she hit you first? (for men)
by pudd ini would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
there was no recognition of the difference in strenght. in addition, in the event in question, his girlfriend had only slapped him because he had her pinned against a wall, yelling at her.
((little witch and avishai)) I was also responding to this above - which was a few posts down also written by Pudd;and I did read the whole thread , really carefully- just tryingto get it bak on track as some hav'nt and are confusing it with spousal abuse.
would you hit a woman if she hit you first? (for men)
by pudd ini would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
((shera)) the point of the thread's getting lost in translation.
We're talking about a man who has a woman cornered,who is physically and verbally abusing her , scaring her, using his strength to keep her where he wants her; intimidating her and threatening her.This is'nt spousal abuse-it's a woman trying to get him off her in desperation; and it's frightening.
Obviously if a woman hits a man for no reason she is an abusive wife-but that's not what this thread's about. i'm amazed at the number of men on here who think this is either something to joke about or who feel if they were physically threatening a woman and she's trying to get him off then their violence is allowable.
follow on question.
by pudd ini would like to thank all who have replied to my quesstion about hitting back at woman.
i would like to ask a further question about this situation.
some have surgested that my friends girlfriend acted in self defense when she slapped him because he was pinning her in a corner and yelling.
I wonder whether the men who feel they would be justified in hitting a woman after she acted in self defense were men who grew up with violence.
Perhaps it's a learned reaction, that appears in emotionally fraught situations because they've seen it and believe it's an accaptable way of dealing with women. If it is-they're not blameless;but need to admit they have a problem and perhaps look at anger management. Anyone can see the damage that can be done by an angry man means that the odds are stacked unfairly against the woman.The time I decided to fight back with all my strength resulted in total paralising shock when I realised I coud'nt actually do ANYTHING. I nearly died.
would you hit a woman if she hit you first? (for men)
by pudd ini would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
would you hit a woman if she hit you first? (for men)
by pudd ini would like to as the men on the board a question.
if your wife/partner were to slap you during an argument, would you feel that if you were you to hit back it would make you equal?.
we all know that violance, no matter how minor is wrong, but this is a question about equality.
I don't think the question is about women committing spousal abuse, but asking a whether or not men can claim their behaviour is allowable because the injuries they inflicted were after a woman slapped/hit out to get the man away from her during his violence or intimidation.
I believe everyone has the right to defend themselves-but you have to choose what the right course of action is- rather like in the rape thread the other day.
We have to make split second decisions-do you defend yourself so you are possibly later accused of being 'violent', or do you remain passive and possibly end up in hospital or dead ?