If you look at luna's avatar, it's about that color.
I'd say poor sassy...but that's my hair ......is that bad?......should I dye it?!
...and i don't mean the snake.. when will i ever learn to leave well enough alone...?
in an effort to lift my spirits after a long week of mishaps and bad news, i decided i would do something for me.
If you look at luna's avatar, it's about that color.
I'd say poor sassy...but that's my hair ......is that bad?......should I dye it?!
what would your question be?
Why is it permissable to accept blood fractions if an act of rebellionconstitutes ignoring a 'thing' devoted to destruction and is punishable by death? In Joshua chapter 7 the spoils of war should have be disposed of completely, as the bible says blood should be, and not partly 'used' . Joshua tells us A'chan had ' taken some of the thing devoted to destruction' and used it for his own benefit...
If we apply this principle to the blood issue then blood fractions cannot be permissable.
channel 4 defends plan to screen an abortion .
by hugh davies .
The non-surgical abortion pill is RU486, mifepristone.It's supposed to be able to be used up to the 9th week of prenancy. There have been three deaths this year in the UK from it's use this year though., if it's not completely effective profuse continuous blood loss can start and if the pregnancy continues un discovered apparently, the baby will have severe birth defects.
I watched a programme like this last year-it was really disturbing, a foetus-well, 28 week old baby, was left to die on a draining board....while others of the same age in another part of th hospital were being recussitated and helpedthe doctor was cryng, it was pretty awful.
But it's important that we have the right to choose.I fell pregnant with all three of mine by accident-two using a cap and one the pill- I did'nt want children and was very careful; I think vascectomies are the answer.......
decided on the spur of the moment to try and get some glastonbury tickets yesterday,as there were still 55, 000 left due to the system cock ups... had friends who stayed up til 5am trying on the friday night but none of us had any luck, mind you, with two teenagers and a child it's the equivilent of a small mortgage...did anyone here have any joy?
i've just had a phone call this morning to say i had sunday tickets , the ones you can get if you live in somerset...ive got a phone number if anyone want to try it... so; if anyone wants to meet up to have a shamanistic dance or two, share moment in the tipi field or help me negociate the toilet block..... i'll be around...
WOOHOO!!!!!!you're very welcome
the local tickets for local people? you must be near me .....we'll have to do a mobile no. exchange and get drunk on cheap cider...yay!!!!
by getting completely wasted.....anyone want to join me for a bottle of red and a few crackers......?.
i'm not trying to be disrespectful..... ......just soooo fed up with former friends looking at me as though im something the dog's.
so.....charge your glasses
joannadandy brought the crackers! thankyou! We should have gone tonight and seen how many we could stuff in our mouths at one time...
English Patient-hi..well I was a 'believer' until dreadful behaviour by the elders and the child abuse and UN problems surfaced-then i got out...come and have a drink and i'll tell you all about it....
by getting completely wasted.....anyone want to join me for a bottle of red and a few crackers......?.
i'm not trying to be disrespectful..... ......just soooo fed up with former friends looking at me as though im something the dog's.
so.....charge your glasses
Pagans are very welcome Gadget we're not elitest here..oh, and get your coat, it looks like you've pulled....but be careful shamus dos'nt take advantage of you........
by getting completely wasted.....anyone want to join me for a bottle of red and a few crackers......?.
i'm not trying to be disrespectful..... ......just soooo fed up with former friends looking at me as though im something the dog's.
so.....charge your glasses
by getting completely wasted.....anyone want to join me for a bottle of red and a few crackers......?
I'm not trying to be disrespectful....
......just soooo fed up with former friends looking at me as though im something the dog's just done on the carpet because I wont join them for the memorial......which in our congregation was so farcical it became a cross between a funeral and ' Carry on up the Podium'....... the unofficial, ' Let's see who's daughter can snag an elder's son in that skin tight, especially bought little black dress, whoops-i've just dropped my bible as he was walking towards me again evening...
So.....charge your glasses everyone and let's drink to the day's text...'An end to hypocracy is in sight,so drink honestly and dont pass on the wine ''Cheers everyone !!!!
i decided to stay in, and sign up here instead.
wise move?
..you're at a loose end then?...fancy sharing a bottle of wine and some crackers.....?welcome
yesterday was an odd day for me.
i have been having an ongoing attack of my fibromyalgia, supplemented by ibs.
i was home from work and trying to just hang out and relax, when i decided it would be a good thing to go to the local "hair cuttery" and get a wash and trim.
Sentinal....((( poor you ))) I love these life affirming moments..they always really touch you, don't they? Hope your husband's operation goes well...
I had a moment like this last year when I was on the beach...started playing with a lone dog, throwing stones for it into the sea, it dashed in time after time and brought them back to me..a guy appeared much later and introduced himself as the dogs owner; we chatted about the dog for a while then sat, really close without that usual feeling of personnal space invasion...and fell silent just watching the sea for a long time.When he got up to leave he said 'we'll both be fine, you know' and left.I'm at that beach nearly everyweekend-but i've never seen him again.
I didnt think you were new...? have heard that name somewhere before....did you see my reply to what you posted about Glastonbury? I sent you a pm about the tickets.....you'll have to be quick...and welcome