yay!!!!!!! well done you clever thing.....
(are you ok? or passed out? lol)xxxxxxx
yay!!!!!!! well done you clever thing.....
(are you ok? or passed out? lol)xxxxxxx
i finished work this morning for 3 weeks holiday and the english summer has struck again....... i had planned to tour on my bike around the south of england and cornwall, but after looking at the long range forecasts i've found out if i still do that i'll be riding in the rain everyday, not nice.......... what a typical british summer.
its worked out ok though, i've spent all day today trawling round the internet trying to find a good deal on a holiday.
so now instead of getting soaked in the rain in england, i'm going to be sunning it up in italy and capri.
What?? you're swopping a night out in Cheddar and a week in the rain on a bike for that?? You sure you're British??
I paid good money to stand in the rain and mud at Glastonbury and to risk food poisoning, naked hippies and dysentry from the toilets.....you should be ashamed of yourself....
yeah im jealous.....
does anyone know how to microwave eggs?.
i tried looking it up on the internet but without luck.
i've been told you can pierce a hole in the shell so they don't explode, but even so, i wouldn't know how long to cook them for.
LMAO at you two...! this is like a 70's cookery show....you both got your aprons on..?!
. Take one out the fridge each morning, shell it standing in my kitchen, smother it in salt and wolf it down.
youve been doing that for a long time ball..youre gonna have a coronary before the food poisoning gets to you lol...back away from the salt...
gadgets busy researching more egg dilemas...he'll be back in a moment after the break,,
((((((((ah)))))))) cute puppy alert.....he's beautiful Bay...nice name too....my friend Sue and I we're out the other day and I really needed something to love and I ended up making her take me to look at puppies....she dragged me away just in time....I 'd love a Pointer, Springer, or one of those mountain dogs that look like bears..
im so nervous...10 of us are exhibiting at a prestigious gallery in the south.was ok but am bricking it now.its in a beautiful georgian house gallery that dickens and thackery regularily visited when it was a house...(you can vote for it on restoration programme bbc2 july 25- or it could close...arts funding crisis looming..remember....art feeds the soul and soothes the mind and is sometimes the most easily accessable social concince/voice.....).
.hope everyone turns up.should have 150-200 people ..invitations have gone out..copious amounts of wine ordered..food bought..have got waitresses sorted out and just got to hope we're well received or we'll all be in the corners drinking and bereft of all our confidence.......i've invited all my local friends most of whom are school teachers or just lovely , so they might justcounteract a friend's over critical father and another's partner who's able to flatten your confidenceat 50 paces....can you tell ive hit the winealready?
lol im throwing them all a party to celebrate the end of this course and the start of the degree next sat so if its a disaster we'll jsut drown our sorrows there...and if we sell any we're all going on holiday together... i'll post if it was a total disaster...and *newsflash* reboot's gonna wear a skirt.....
thanks (((sassy)) and qwerty,i'll show you mine if you show me yours..... will you bring some photos of them to the BBQ ?id love to see them
im so nervous...10 of us are exhibiting at a prestigious gallery in the south.was ok but am bricking it now.its in a beautiful georgian house gallery that dickens and thackery regularily visited when it was a house...(you can vote for it on restoration programme bbc2 july 25- or it could close...arts funding crisis looming..remember....art feeds the soul and soothes the mind and is sometimes the most easily accessable social concince/voice.....).
.hope everyone turns up.should have 150-200 people ..invitations have gone out..copious amounts of wine ordered..food bought..have got waitresses sorted out and just got to hope we're well received or we'll all be in the corners drinking and bereft of all our confidence.......i've invited all my local friends most of whom are school teachers or just lovely , so they might justcounteract a friend's over critical father and another's partner who's able to flatten your confidenceat 50 paces....can you tell ive hit the winealready?
lol im throwing them all a party to celebrate the end of this course and the start of the degree next sat so if its a disaster we'll jsut drown our sorrows there...and if we sell any we're all going on holiday together... i'll post if it was a total disaster...and *newsflash* reboot's gonna wear a skirt.....
(((ah, thanks everyone))) Ivebeen in exhibitions before but have never had to do the opening night serious party thing before, hence the nerves ...but it went really well..
The gallery was packed and everyone was drinking alot so it was really relaxed..I had some great comments in my comments book and we had a photographer to take some pics for the papers and art magazines so that was fun, unfortunately he was a red head and promotes any others he finds, so I had to be in them all at the front.....
We found out one guy there was a well known London Art critic as someone recognised him so fingers crossed for some positive feedback from him...All my friends turned up and although they're not into abstract art , they understood what I was trying to do/say and we're really supportive.when i get the photos i'll get someone to give me an upload lesson...no laughing mind lol...I'm back there invigilating tomorrow so if any have sold i'll be out celebrating again..
thanks for the support guys...im really pleased I did it and hope you all get to do the things in life that give you a boost after all the repression we've had in the past.
just curious how many people were shady and were having affairs in the congregation.
in other words, did anyone have a relationship with a married jw?
I was accused of having an affair with an elder because I was 'too' upset when I found out he was a double-lifer and a pervert my husband thought there was something going on....know of a few elders who had affairs though and got away with it, position and reputation intact while the woman was vilified...the men did'nt seem to have that problem....they were assumed to have been 'led astray' by the tempation and were apparently unable to resist the evil, seductive, charms of the woman ......
im so nervous...10 of us are exhibiting at a prestigious gallery in the south.was ok but am bricking it now.its in a beautiful georgian house gallery that dickens and thackery regularily visited when it was a house...(you can vote for it on restoration programme bbc2 july 25- or it could close...arts funding crisis looming..remember....art feeds the soul and soothes the mind and is sometimes the most easily accessable social concince/voice.....).
.hope everyone turns up.should have 150-200 people ..invitations have gone out..copious amounts of wine ordered..food bought..have got waitresses sorted out and just got to hope we're well received or we'll all be in the corners drinking and bereft of all our confidence.......i've invited all my local friends most of whom are school teachers or just lovely , so they might justcounteract a friend's over critical father and another's partner who's able to flatten your confidenceat 50 paces....can you tell ive hit the winealready?
lol im throwing them all a party to celebrate the end of this course and the start of the degree next sat so if its a disaster we'll jsut drown our sorrows there...and if we sell any we're all going on holiday together... i'll post if it was a total disaster...and *newsflash* reboot's gonna wear a skirt.....
Thankyou thankyou thanyou everyone,
im just off now to set up the bar and check its all ready.Its open from this afternoon til tuesday(not the bar,lol).
I wish i was artistic, don't have an artistic bone in my body, Love going to art galleries
leehaa-i hate hearing people say that.....i've decided to work towards art therapy now instead of lecturing..everyone has something to express; will work on you
Eman, its the end of our 2 year Btech course , depending on results degree proper starts in sept..its 10 of us from the course plus our lecturer, exhibiting our final paintings and sculptures that were our final major project..we have 3-5 each so have around 50 pieces were v. lucky to have to whole gallery offered.Its visited by major british artists as its the main SW arts venue and there are many based near by.There's figurative work and abstract work and sculpture.If youre working near by pop in or come for a few tonight at the party you'd be very welcome...
decided on the spur of the moment to try and get some glastonbury tickets yesterday,as there were still 55, 000 left due to the system cock ups... had friends who stayed up til 5am trying on the friday night but none of us had any luck, mind you, with two teenagers and a child it's the equivilent of a small mortgage...did anyone here have any joy?
i've just had a phone call this morning to say i had sunday tickets , the ones you can get if you live in somerset...ive got a phone number if anyone want to try it... so; if anyone wants to meet up to have a shamanistic dance or two, share moment in the tipi field or help me negociate the toilet block..... i'll be around...
Why dont you go next year then ? we can meet up with your sister and my lot and have a great time? the more the merrier
im so nervous...10 of us are exhibiting at a prestigious gallery in the south.was ok but am bricking it now.its in a beautiful georgian house gallery that dickens and thackery regularily visited when it was a house...(you can vote for it on restoration programme bbc2 july 25- or it could close...arts funding crisis looming..remember....art feeds the soul and soothes the mind and is sometimes the most easily accessable social concince/voice.....).
.hope everyone turns up.should have 150-200 people ..invitations have gone out..copious amounts of wine ordered..food bought..have got waitresses sorted out and just got to hope we're well received or we'll all be in the corners drinking and bereft of all our confidence.......i've invited all my local friends most of whom are school teachers or just lovely , so they might justcounteract a friend's over critical father and another's partner who's able to flatten your confidenceat 50 paces....can you tell ive hit the winealready?
lol im throwing them all a party to celebrate the end of this course and the start of the degree next sat so if its a disaster we'll jsut drown our sorrows there...and if we sell any we're all going on holiday together... i'll post if it was a total disaster...and *newsflash* reboot's gonna wear a skirt.....
thanks honey....will just claim someone elses are mine if they hate them lol