Like Simon, having children (at 21) and having to look after my mother meant I could'nt just do anything on a whim-i've got to be here for them...I hav'nt been bitten by the travel bug... i've been mauled by it and it's driving me insane...we've taken the children abroad alot though and they all think they travelling is better than the actual maybe i'll be allowed to join them on their respective gap years...
when I was younger we lived abroad, as did most of the families we socialised with, staying away for a few years then returning for a parents continued to travel when we all left home until they died and I've always felt since having children, that i'm waiting to go off somewhere's very frustrating..... most of my school friends hav'nt got children and are still in their travelling phase 20 years later....
As soon as my youngest has finished his exams you wont see me for dust! I plan to sell the house, wrap up work and send lots of postcards.............I've always wanted to experience Tibet and to cross each continent on horseback; i'd love to trace the ancient trade routes in Asia using the indiginous horses of each region....i'd like to travel alone-but it's probably not a good idea, Turkey especially is supposed to be a nightmare for lone women.....I have a friend who rides who wants to see Jordan on now I have to start persuading one of my friends that ride to pack up their lives and ship out with me for the rest.....(gadget, I may have a plan for you...have you started those riding lessons yet...?)
good luck with your plans Celtic...I hope you make it-maybe we'll bump into eachother along the way...