I raised this point when i met with an elder and two others to show them this information.There were many WT's and Awakes after the society became an NGO that supported the work of the UN .
.If they had'nt fullfilled the criteria the next time they applied they may have been refused NGO status. I remember the articles appeared in a 'run' citing the positive influence of the UN .
It struck me that using the magazines to promote the UN ideals and to fullfil the society's obligation to the UN, should have been considered spiritual prostitution..I phoned the UN who confirmed that the society would have had to use its publications to promote the aims of the UN and was told all NGO'S had to promote the ideals of the UN to keep their status.
It's interesting to complare the WT of October 1 , 1995 article..The Christian View of the Unite Nations'
the last paragraph states...
''Jehovahs witnesses view the UN organisation, as they would any other govermental bodies of the world.They acknowledge that the UN continues to exist by gods permission.In harmony with the bible, jw's render respect to all governments and obey them as long as such obedience does not require they sin against God'' Surely using the magazines to prompte a blasphemous organisation would be a sinagainst God?
While in the revelation book(1988) they stated..
' The UN is actually a blasphemous counterfiet of God's Messianic Kingdom....the worlds religions always anxious for a fine rapport with the UN..set about publicising the year in various ways...' ....which was precicely what they would do a few years later....Watchtower hypocracy at its finest ....
Additionally,NGO's are stated within the charter as having to...
PROVIDE a CHANNEL l through which information conserning the Un reaches the public..
play a crucial role in mobilising public opinions and building understanding of the UN, its related agancies and programmes..
Monitor and PROMOTE policies in their own countries in suppoer of UN goals and resoulotions.
Another smart turnaround that it's hoped the R&F don't notice.