Dearest Silverleaf and Winston... may you both have peace!
Silverleaf... you state:
To say that an individual [whether a human or an animal] asks for help from the Lord and receives it because they had faith and asked sincerely, is fine, but to say that an individual who asks for help or guidance and does not receive it, does not because they were not sincere, or did not have enough faith or the right faith or did not ask the right way, falls short as an explanation.
May I ask you in what way such 'falls short'? Honey, if I've given you instructions on how to approach me... and HEAR me... and YOU fail or refuse to follow them... can you blame ME? Really? You indeed asked, but you didn't do it in the 'Way' I told you that you NEEDED to, or THROUGH the one I told you to go through... in order for ME to hear it... and respond. Or... you did do it that 'Way'... and I responded... but you didn't LISTEN... in the 'Way'... I told you you NEEDED to. You are determined to do it YOUR way... and then fault ME when you don't get what you want.
Let me give you an example: you have been taught that God does not even SPEAK to earthling man, yes? You have ALSO been taught not to give heed to your dreams, yes? But what does GOD perhaps say about that? Tell you what, let me say to you, what the young man Elihu is reported to have said at Job 34:14-17:
"Look! In THIS... YOU... have not been in the right,
I answer you. For God is MUCH more than mortal man.
Why IS it against HIM... that you contended? Because
all your words He does not answer?
"For God speaks once... AND TWICE... though one does
not regard it... IN A DREAM, a VISION OF THE NIGHT,
when deep sleep falls upon men, during slumbers
upon the bed...
and on EXHORTATION to them He puts His seal,
to turn ASIDE from his deed and that He may
cover PRIDE itself from an able-bodied man."
Wait! Uh-oh... THIS says that God's talks to folks during their dreams. Say WHAT!? But the Watchtower, who supposedly consider the Bible as the "ultimate authority" has told you NOT to pay attention to your dreams.
Do you understand my point, Silver? STOP listening to 'earthling man'... and LISTEN TO GOD. But you have to listen to HIM... by listening... to the One He APPOINTED... to SPEAK! And... you would most certainly have to BELIEVE that He even SPEAKS... yes? And then, when you DID hear something... you would have to EXERCISE faith that it was FROM God... through Christ... and obey. Yes?
Okay, so you 'hear' a 'voice' that says, go out and murder your entire family. Or you have a dream that depicts that. Dear one, if you KNEW God... you would KNOW... that such did not COME from Him. Why? Because my Father no longer DEALS with fleshly Israel... but with SPIRITUAL Israel... and the MEDIATOR of spiritual Israel... 'is for peace'. You would KNOW that... and so you would KNOW the 'origin' of the inspired expression... that it did NOT 'originate... with God'.
Why is faith so DIFFICULT a concept for some of you? I am sorry, please forgive me... but I just don't GET it. I am sorry; I just don't. Truly, if you WANTED to have faith, dear ones... you WOULD have faith. Instead, it seems that at EVERY turn, you are trying to find reasons why should NOT have faith. And you cry, "God ain't talkin' to me!" My Lord was speaking truth when he said you are like the little children in the market place who cried out, "We played the flute... but you did not dance; we wailed... but you did not beat yourselves in grief."
My Father PROVED Himself... people. Time... and time... and time again. Whole NATIONS who did not believe He existed and possessed power... were taken out. Do you REALLY want such a demonstration? Do you REALLY need to have your physical flesh 'pleasured' in order to believe the Holy One of Israel Exists? I caution you: be CAREFUL... what you ask for. Pharaoh himself, who said, "Who is JAH; I do not KNOW JAH"... indeed came to 'know JAH'.
Winston, dear one... SIGH!... you ask:
will all the amoebas and all other one types of one celled animals get everlasting life if they excersize faith in Jesus? Also what will the quality of life be like for these one celled creatures? Will they be of a divine nature?
First, you are assuming the survival of this species, as well as their purpose for existence. IF everything is eventually transformed from physical flesh... to SPIRIT... it would be 'logical' that even amoebas would take on a 'spirit' form. Yes? If amoebas are a physical life form, and all physical life forms pretty much die, and 'death' is to be 'brought to nothing'... and if that which is physical will 'put on' that which is spiritual, and that which is 'corrupt' will put on that which is 'incorrupt'... wouldn't LOGIC dictate that even the one-celled amoeba must be changed in its 'form'? What would be the PROBLEM with that, dear one?
Will they rule with Christ in heaven?
Will lions and cobras 'rule with Christ' and judge angels? Indeed, will all MEN rule with Christ and judge angels?
And how do these one celled creature show godly love?
In all HONESTY and TRUTHFULNESS? By being quite content with what they ARE... and how and where my Father has PLACED them... in their 'proper place'... and NOT being like angels... and 'earthling man'... and trying to FORSAKE their PROPER positions and dwelling place(s).
Certain angels weren't 'content'... and in the same manner, certain men aren't either. The construction of the 'Tower' of Babel still goes on today. Is that to say that man should not pursue progress? By no means... God has granted to man many abilities and man HONORS God in the way he uses such abilities. Man, however, like angels... aren't content to just BE man... indeed, they are not even content to be GOD. They wish... like the angels... to be 'higher'... even than God. I ask you, should a dog aspire to be a man?
I'm tired now. You want to take issue with the Holy One of Israel? I say, 'go for it'. I still wish you peace, however, and I am still,
Your servant and a slave of Christ
SJ (shaking salt on the popcorn and hunkerin' down for the 'show'... and begging y'all's pardon again... for my 'zeal'...)