DISCLAIMER (for any who might care): LONG post. Honkin’ long. Just so’s you know.
AGuest, I'm glad that we have the forum of writing because I can't imagine doing this in person. I'd get so excited and we'd probably both spontaneously combust (into 12 personalities?) hehe
Maybe, dear one (good day and peace to you!). I’m a pretty cool cucumber, though, for the most part. I think even my “admirer” OTWO would probably agree with that. I’m not really a very “excitable” person. Came up in the “streets” and so saw a lot that kinda taught me to limit my excitement to times when it’s really warranted. Now, that does include times when my Lord gives me something “new”... so, yeah, some excitement, maybe. One personality for me, though. I mean, that’s all I can handle.
Okay, so I feel like I'm getting "your Lord" whose words jump straight out of your mouth. I'm trying to get to your mind to your heart and ask you to engage with me.
Well, my mouth is actually closed when I’m sharing HERE... and I am speaking from the heart (meaning, doing so in truth and out of a truthful heart)... so... not sure you DO “get” him... or me. But no worries – if it’s to be, it will be, I have no doubt.
I don't need to connect to my Father or his Son though any other person, thus, I'm interested in you.
Ahhhh, yes, I see. Well, now, I think that’s something you’re just going to have to let “flow”, you know? Come as it may. I do post as to myself from time to time, but just your usual everyday stuff. I mean, I’m not different than most other folk, so... I share as to me when I feel the discussion warrants it. I wasn’t feeling that here, so much.
Your heart, the soil on which the seeds are planted. I want to get to know you, which is love, but all I'm getting from you is what your Lord told you.
Ah, well, then, just stick around a bit. I’ve been here a long time (and still some feel they don’t know me, while others feel they do very well. Some truth... and not so much... to both). Personally, though, I like to get to know people... and them to know me... as a natural progression of things. I mean, I could TELL you stuff all the day long. So what? What you will find is that my Lord... and what he tells me... is a very integral part of “me”... and so you’re not very likely to get to know me... as well as you might... without that.
I often fear that people will take my inquiries and feel offense, I am so happy that that seems not to be happening with us. Because I am very interested and am searching for the words to elicit the response. Thank you for allowing me.
(Smile) One of the FIRST “lessons” my Lord taught me, dear one... and I have found it TRUE... is this:
“Do not hurry yourself in your spirit to become offended, for the taking of offense is what rests in the bosom of the stupid ones.” Ecclesiastes 7:9 (NWT)
At the time, I most probably had allowed myself to become offended over something I shouldn’t have, something that was not intended to... or worth... becoming offended over. He chose the right Bible version to show me that (it’s stated differently in others), though, because I’ve never forgotten the impact that had on me. I no longer offend easily, as a result... so, absolutely NO worries.
I am asking you—you reason with me that your Lord told you that the spelling of all this things begin with "J". Then you went on to speak about "when those scribes, who determined that God's name was too sacred to utter, let alone write," and how it is that they altered names—So, I'm asking you, or if you so desire, even your Lord through you—why is it that cares about what the scribes did to his word, if he would choose to use something that wasn't even used when the scribes did their work?
(Smile) Because he wanted me to understand, dear one... because I want to understand. He does not limit the truth, dear one. He leads into ALL truth, even as to minutiae, if it’s applicable to what he is showing one. The only way I could spell God’s name ACCURATELY would be to either use the Hebrew letters (which would be pretentious, as well as difficult, given the limitations of the board sometimes to present certain letters)... or type out “yodh... het... vav... het” EVERY time. So, he explained how it would be written in our modern alphabet. No big deal, really.
In other words, why would he use the letter "J" to represent his name (which predates scribes) and then explain to you about how scribes screwed things up?
Please see above.
AGuest, I cannot wrap my head around how it is that he would wait until the 13th century C.E. to have his name be able to rendered. The "J" came to be in the 13th century.
I understand (your difficulty here). He didn’t wait until then, actually. The SOUND that is made by the yodh, which corresponds to the letter “j” TODAY was around. Long, long before. As was the letter that was formerly the iota without the foot was around. That a foot wasn’t put on the iota until the 13 th century does not mean my Lord’s name wasn’t properly rendered until then. It was, both properly (yodh) and improperly.
That doesn't make any sense.
I guess if you can’t move past the understandings... and teachings... of the scribes/scholars, no. I can understand why it wouldn’t. But if you went to him... and allowed HIM to teach you... a whole LOT of things that the scribes and scholars say... would no longer make sense, either.
So, please ask him or explain to me why use a letter which didn't exist?
I’m sorry, but it doesn’t work that way, dear one. I can ask for ME... and share with him what he says/tells ME about such things. But I cannot act as a “medium” between you and him and ask something for YOU of HIM... and then tell you what he “said.” I am not your mediator and so my gift does not allow that. You, though, are certainly free (and able, although you might not know/understand that... yet)... to go to him and ask whatever it is you want to know... for yourself. By all means, please DO!
(He did direct me to ask YOU to consider: why use a letter such as “y”... which is derived from the Greek “upsilon”... and not the “iota” OR the Hebrew “yodh”?).
Or, please, before the letter "J" existed, what letter did he tell you was there, when the name was transliterated?
He told me that the Greek scribes used the “iota”... which corresponds to today’s “j”... and not the “upsilon”... which corresponds to today’s “y”...
His Son was fluent in Aramaic Greek and Hebrew, what would he have written?
(Smile) My Lord was only sent to Israel, dear one. Matthew 15:24, 26 And so while he was alive in the flesh, HE spoke primarily to the Hebrew/Aramaic-speaking Jews and Samaritans. And when he wrote (John 8:6, 8), it was in that language, as well. And these rarely spoke Greek (although those Jews who spoke Greek almost always also spoke Hebrew). And so, he would have written in the Hebrew: “yodh het vav het”... as would the Apostles... who limited their dealings with the Greek-speaking Jews... because of their limited language skills. This is one of the reasons for the gifts of tongues (which was GIVEN by my Lord... who can speak ALL tongues– Genesis 11:6-9; Revelation 5:9, 7:9): Israel, which had been scattered among the nations... wasn’t not limited to Hebrew OR Greek. Many also spoke other languages. Acts 2:4-18 But ALL pretty much knew Hebrew... because of the Law and worship at the temple. Acts 8:27-36
PAUL, however, would have written to those who spoke Greek IN Greek... and those who spoke Hebrew/Aramaic in that language. That’s why HE became the apostle “to the nations” and not any of the 12 OR my Lord’s brothers.
Please, ask him, to be clear, how was his name transliterated from the original Hebrew to the original Latin alphabet, the old Latin alphabet, and the classical Latin alphabet?
It wasn’t, dear one. It was (mis)transliterated from Hebrew... to Greek... then (mistransliterated) from Greek back to Hebrew. Save the KJV, very few of the Hebrew parts of Bible versions in circulation today come from solely the Latin (Vulgate). Most of the scribes researched texts even older than that.
What you and many others are missing is the truth that the Hebrew text was written BEFORE the Greek. You must realize that the Hebrew we have now came from the Greek Septuagint, which is a translation from the previous Hebrew – HOWEVER, the previous Hebrew was not the ORIGINAL Hebrew, but a form of Hebrew-Aramaic formulated during the exile in Babylon. The ORIGINAL "Hebrew" was actually what is called “Phoenician" or "true Aramaic” today. Even the Paleo-Hebrew and Samaritan Alphabet show the yodh as corresponding to the "u". For example, i n both the Paleo-Hebrew and Samaritan alphabet, the Hebrew “yodh”... was the “jut” (pronounced “yut”)... which made the SOUND of “yuh” The “jut” was NOT a “y”, though, any more than the later “yodh” was.
Forgive me for pressing so hard, but before I can accept your 17th century truth, I'm asking how it is that you or your Lord explains what his name was for the previous 2,400 years. (Latin alphabet dates from 7th century BC, as I understand.)
I understand what you’re asking, dear one. He explains that the previous 2,400 had been an error.
To CORRECT the error, one would have to go back before the Latin... before the Greek... before the Hebrew (which was merely a form of Assyrian/Chaldean “Aramaic” and so before the Jews were exiled in Chaldea/Babylon)... and so before the Paleo-Hebrew... thus, before the Samaritan... to the Proto-Canaanite... or “Phoenician” and FIRST Hebrew Aramaic alphabets. And in THAT language, the name of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAHVEH, would be spelled:
“jod het (NOT ‘he’), wau, het”
Which would be pronounced... “yah veh” (the wau having the “v” sound here).
So, right now, I'm not interested in more and more of what he says, because he sounds like a voice you're hearing which is explaining to you what the scribes did 2500 years ago, but then tells you how to spell his name using letters only hundreds of years old.
No, that’s not quite it, but if you’re not interested... you’re not interested. But I can’t tell you different from what HE tells ME.
Just ask him how his Son spelled his name while he was on earth?
My Lord spelled HIS name to me as:
“jod het he shin wau eyn”...
Which would be pronounced...“yah e sh w ah” (with the “he” representing the short “e” sound, the “wau” having the “w” sound here, the “u” sound supplied by the speaker, and the “eyn” (representing “ayin”) having the short “o” sound).
I'm sorry, but since I can pronounce the name, and know all the letters used to represent it from Hebrew to Latin and Greek, I'm not really concerned with 17th century English.
It’s really pretty easy to pronounce, actually: Yah esh you ah.
Please, with all due respect.
Of course! Always!
Part of me right now is simply evaluating if I should listen to what comes from your mouth, as you claim to speak as a prophet and yet what you say is not valid in antiquity.
Wait, what? WHOA!! I make NO SUCH CLAIM. I am just a good-for-nothing servant. Nothing more. And I have NEVER said that you... or anyone should listen to what comes from MY mouth... ever. I am NOT the Word of God... and HIS is the ONLY voice you should be listening to. HIS mouth is what speaks truth... and HIS mouth toward the sons of man. I am not here to lead or convert you... or ANYONE. I am simply sharing what that One has shared with ME. Whether YOU or anyone else hear... or refrain. Whichever you CHOOSE... is of no concern to me. I am not the source of anyone’s salvation. I am simply trying to work out my OWN... and that of MY household. By telling the TRUTH... about the Truth, the Holy One of the Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah), and about his God and Father... and mine... the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAHVEH.
Further our Father wishes us to know him, and in the truest sense that is to seek truth from it's first utterances.
Which is what I have done: sought His Truth... indeed, asked for him... and he came to me. And THROUGH him... through knowing THAT One... by means of a union with him and HIS spirit, holy spirit... came to know Him, the Father. Now, I don’t know how YOU believe you will get to know Him... but what I’ve done has worked out pretty well for me... and my household... so I think it would be foolish not to stick with that.
Thus, while my Father nor his Son speak to me audibly, from generation upon generation through the hands of many fallible humans scribes and heresies, down to modern history and burning at the stake and translating the word so it have so many subtle variances, what remains true is that we were told to dig as if searching for hid treasure.
(Smile) Okay. You do that. I have chosen another path (John 5:39, 40) and I prefer that, if you don’t mind?
The 17th century English, bastardization of Babel, isn't sufficient for my desire to know ??????.
Not quite sure what you’re referring to here, luv.
Moving forward, I now realize I have no idea what you call your Lord, the man commonly referred to as "Jesus"...? So you call him the Christ, I see.
I refer to him as “christ”, sometimes, yes. For myself, I call him “Lord,” or “my Lord.” His name is Jah eShua, and he is the HOLY One of Israel and Holy Spirit and Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah), who is the MOST Holy One of Israel... and the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
That's a Greek title, Christos. You're okay with that? Why are you not okay with his Greek name then?
Sure! I mean, I don’t use it for me, per se, dear one. Even so, it’s not a name but a title. Like “Lord.” If you notice, I refer to him as the “Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah)”... which is almost what “christ” means (it means “chosen” one... but it doesn’t quite designate chosen of WHO. Know what I mean?).
Many believe that, yes. You’re welcome to, as well. I mean, it’s not like I would NEVER use. I have actually known some guys named “Jesus.” It’s not the name of my Lord, though, sorry. Not trying to be contentious, truly. Truly.
You are okay with I becoming Y becoming J in the dilution of linguistics since Babel, but you're not okay with the same progression when applied to his Son's name?
I’m confused – are you saying “Christ” is my Lord’s name? I don’t think that’s accurate
Why his the Son's name more precious than the Father's?
WHOA... who said THAT??
I respect that you hear voices, and I am grateful to you that you respect me testing your spirit to see if it comes from our Father.
No worries; I have nothing to hide, dear one (smile!).
I am however, not asking for what your spirit says, while my spirit doesn't speak to me in audible voices, I have access to him directly—therefore, I do not need you to tell me "the truth".
Then perhaps we should consider discussing another/other topic(s)...
I can go directly to the Father through his Son via the holy spirit to be taught, just as you can. Therefore I am here only and simply to know you, my sister.
I can, as well, to (first) give praise, honor, and glory TO the Father, and ask for HIS kingdom to be established and will to be done... as well as my “daily bread”... and forgiveness for my errors and transgressions. Everything else... I go to the Son... just as he has directed me to (John 14:13, 14).
Thus, you can, if you are willing or if your spirit is willing, give me more. I am not asking for your spirit to speak, I'm asking for your heart, or your mind. Our Father examines our hearts, and knows our minds, therefore there must be something in there—I would like to know what is in yours.
Ahh, dear Nibs. I can tell you all day long “what’s” in my heart. Won’t mean a thing, though, because that doesn’t mean it’s true. What you should really try to do is get to KNOW what’s in my heart... by what I say, perhaps... but even better... by what I do.
Just like the soil which the seed falls upon may be many different conditions, and it isn't just one upon which fruit may be cultivated, what we learn from the holy spirit from whom we are taught (unless you encounter an unholy spirit) settles into our hearts and minds.
Indeed. But again, I could say all manner of “righteous” things. Still doesn’t mean it’s true. The only way you would get to KNOW what’s truly in my heart... is to get to know me. Several here have bothered to do that.
That is what I am desperately, now, attempting to access. I want to know you. Please let me in?
Why? Why me? I am nobody, truly. There are a gazillion folks here who I am SURE you would not only love to know... and love once you know them... even see eye to eye with. Why ME? I’m some lady blathering about God and Christ on an Internet site. What’s the big deal?
Okay, so you quote Jeremiah 31. If you believe the word of God, then you cannot take those verses out of their context. There is a reference in the chapter where he gave us witnesses. You're a lawyer, could you please review the contract of Jeremiah 31, and review the clauses and it's intent with it's original dates. Then, please, can you tell me that you qualify as one of the parties as expressly and explicitly stipulated?
I am not a lawyer, dear one. And yes, I can tell you that as a descendant of Jacob’s son, BenJahMin... I would qualify. At least, that’s what my Lord has told me. Both who I am and why that promise applies to me... as well as that it does apply to me.
Before I'm allowed to take in knowledge from a third party from the voice of a spirit I do not know, I am required to test that spirit.
Indeed! Yes!
Testing that spirit requires that what the spirit says stands up to the written and fleshly Word of God.
Well, not exactly. Sort of. It must stand up to SPIRIT Word of God, the Holy Spirit... as he’s no longer in the flesh... and love. If one can’t HEAR that Spirit speaking to them, then one must test the spirit against love. If one can’t see the LOVE in the spirit... then it can’t be from God... OR Christ. For both ARE love. If one doesn’t have the faith to hear the first... or love to see the second... then one might look to the written document. However, my Lord taught me a lesson about THAT a long time ago, too. He said to me:
“ALL that I tell you is written, but not all that is written is what I will tell you.”
What did he mean by that? That everything he would tell me IS written... somewhere... but not necessarily in the Bible (perhaps in Enoch, Jasher, Barak, the Gospel of Thomas or Mary... or even some secular writing, like a dictionary, encyclopedia, other religious script, whatever... but written, yet)... AND that not everything written... INCLUDING in the Bible... is not what he would tell me... because it’s not ALL truth.
And, well, now... look at that! We’ve come to the end of this particular discussion! And I’ve enjoyed every moment of it! Again, I apologize for the delay in responding but I sincerely hope this will suffice to answer your questions. If there’s anything else I can share with you... or something here that you’d like a little more clarification on, let me know. I will answer if I can and I can and am permitted.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant and a doulos of Christ,