1) the144 000 rule over the great crowd (that comes out of the Great Tribulation) and the resurrected ones, and the angels and all.
This is an error, dear Prologos (peace to you, as well!):
1. The 144,000 don't rule OVER the GC, but WITH them (Revelation 5:9, 10; 7:15); and
2. Those who take part in the FIRST resurrection are of either of these groups; they are those who belong to Christ but have died when he returns (John 11:25: Revelation 20:4, 6). By the time of the SECOND resurrection, the 1000-year co-rulership with Christ will have ended (Revelation 20:5, 7, 12, 13), so the only "ruler" will BE Christ, who's rulership is NOT limited to 1,000 years, as is that of his co-rulers... but is indefinitely lasting and forever (Revelation 20:4; Daniel 2:44; 7:13, 14) -
2) The 144 000 go where Christ went , and word has it he went to heaven. answer: heaven not earth.
Along with the GC, they meet my Lord in the air... after which he escorts them to the Father's dwelling place, the spirit realm... for their marriage and spiritual unification to the him, the Lamb; however, they return to the earth, as the NEW Jerusalem (John 14:2-4; 1 Thessalonians 4:17; Revelation 7:15; 21:2).
3) the jury is out on that one. Temple NAOS is in heaven, the tent, protection is with mankind. Rev 21:3.
Both the temple (hieron) and the sanctuary (naos) are in heaven for a time, dear one... and both are on earth, as well. The NEW Jerusalem IS the temple of God (Acts 17:24, 25;1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 2:19-21; 1 Peter 2:5; Revelation 3:12)... a city/temple... made up of people in which God dwells by spirit. In that city/temple, however, is a temple... which is not a building... but two other people: Christ, the Lamb (the "Holy") and God, JAHVEH Himself (the "MOST Holy") - John 2:19, 21; Revelation 21:22; Exodus 26:33, 34; Leviticus 21:22)
The entity not dealt with is the 12 tribes of israel in the context of REV.7s great crowd.
The 12 tribes are the "firstfruits" of those who make up the kings and priests. It was supposed to be ALL of Israel but since they rejected the King and Leader appointed by God... they were majorily replaced by a people of EVERY nation, tribe, and tongue... to be this kingdom (Revelation 5:9, 10) and priests (Revelation 7:15).
try this: 12 tribes minus 144 000 equals Great Crowd.
The 12 tribes are "from among the sons of Israel," dear one. For your equation to be correct, the GC would also have to be Israel. Yet, they are taken from EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people. The are the FELLOW citizens of the "holy ones"... who are Israel.
caveat: this is only valid if the garden with talking snake and cloned lady before the everest -covering waters 4000 years ago is real.
The garden, cloned lady, and everest-covering waters were real. There was no talking snake, though. It was a serpent... which is not a snake. It's not even a beast. And they all talk.
I hope this helps and, again, peace to you!
YOUR servant and a doulos of Christ,