Hmmmm... You Know, dear, you said:
Apostates will say anything to try and con YK into being nice to them. (To no avail)...I find that 'curious' because my Lord is recorded to have said:
"You HEARD...(Hmmmm... 'heard' from WHOM, I wonder... Pharisees, maybe? Certainly not my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES, as evidenced by the NWT cross-reference of Exodus 23:4...))
... that it was said: 'You must love your neighbor andThe Law certainly didn't teach that. So, yep, sounds like a Pharisaical teaching to me...
hate your enemy.'
HOWEVER, I SAY TO YOU: 'Continue to LOVE your enemies and to PRAY for those persecuting you; that YOU may prove YOURSELVES to be sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since HE makes His sunBut wait! My Lord goes ON to say:
rise upon wicked people AND good and makes it rain upon righteous people AND unrighteous. For if you love those loving YOU... WHAT REWARD DO YOU HAVE? Are not the tax collectors doing the same thing? And if you greet your brothers ONLY, what 'extraordinary' thing are YOU doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the SAME thing? YOU must accordingly be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
He that has MY commandment...And NOT the 'traditions and doctrines of men', which 'overstep the commandments of GOD...
... and observes THEM...And NOT the 'traditions and doctrines of men', which 'overstep the commandments of GOD...
THAT one is he who LOVES ME...Which would logically lead one to believe that the one who does NOT have them... and observe them... does NOT love him... and therefore, does NOT love God, yes? (Well, look at me... talking 'logic'. And some say I am nothing but 'fluff'... okayyyy...)
My Lord is recorded to have gone ON and said:
In turn, he that loves ME... WILL BE LOVED BY MY FATHER... and I will love HIM...Oooh. Check THAT out... one has to love Christ, and DEMONSTRATE that love by having and observing his commandments... and in turn will be loved by GOD... and... and...
... and will PLAINLY SHOW MYSELF TO HIM.Now, here is something! My dear brother, You Know, you TRULY think God and Christ are 'with you'. But how can that be, when you REPEATEDLY overstep this particular commandment of Christ, and by default, God... and demonstrate a blatant LACK of love... for those not 'like' you?
Is my Lord not recorded to have said:
If anyone loves ME, he WILL observe MY word...(and I think that would supesede observing the 'traditions and doctrines of men', wouldn't YOU?)
and my Father will love HIM...Which IS what you 'want', yes, brother? Along WITH...
and we shall COME TO HIM... and MAKE OUR ABODE... WITH him.Hmmmm... and it doesn't seem as if this has occurred for you, dear You Know... yet... although I am SURE you 'wish' it. What is DOES seem, though, is that based on your continued REFUSAL to 'have' and 'observe' this particular 'commandment'... to LOVE YOUR ENEMIES... it is YOU... and not those you accuse... who is 'standing off' from God and Christ.
Therefore, as it stands right now... it is YOU... who are the true 'apostate'.
BUT... it does NOT have to be that way! It does NOT have to continue. Only you, though, can change it... by changing... YOUR HEART. Try 'softening' that puppy up, just a tad, my brother. Indeed, OPEN it... WIDEN it OUT... and let folks in... even your enemies. For until you do THAT... you do not allow God... and Christ... to come in, either. Stop closing, then, the door of your tender compassions... as you have been falsely taught to do by false prophets and false 'christs'. For they do NOT 'know' God, nor do they know the One whom He sent forth... and unfortunately, by listening to THEM... neither do you.
I am YOUR servant, still, as I am a slave of Christ, who gave his life for ALL who 'exercise' faith in him, and you could yet be numbered among these...