Yes, of course. Until they're identified.
2. Ancient Astronauts/Alien kidnappings
If by ancient astronauts you mean extraterrestrial visitors I wouldn't presume to think our little tiny existence is all that is in the vast, vast spanse that is the physical universe, and certainly not with regard to the spirit realm. I have also lived only a very short time... as have most of the experts (many of whom say man, etc., has existed for 1,000 times what we have on record). So my response is: could be. Who knows? I don't. And just because "we" don't know of it YET... doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Like the New World - it existed long, long before the triune English/French/Spanish conglomerate "discovered" it. So, I dunno. And when I don't know, I can't say no.
As to alien kidnappings, while I do believe in transportation of the spirit (in spire) because of having experienced it and knowing others who have, as well, I don't know that any vessels (bodies) were kidnapped (taken again their will), per se. Even if we consider Enoch, Moses, and Elijah... whose bodies were taken, no one was taken against their will. I also can't see why anyone would be taken... "probed"... and returned. Why return 'em? Makes no sense to me, so I'm inclined to say no. But again, I don't know - doesn't make sense to ME.
So, I will say "No kidnappings/abductions that I'm aware of so I think not." At least, for now. I and reserve the right to change that should additional information become available.
3. E.S.P. and Psychic powers
I would say yes to that just because I'm a mother and wife and owner of 3 small, VERY smart puppies (how, then, do you THINK we know when you drink the last of the milk, eat the last banana, take the last cookie, hit your brother/sister, wore that short skirt to school anyway... even when we didn't SEE you do it? Do you REALLY think we have eyes in the backs of our heads?? C'mon, now - I've looked and I can assure you, there are no eyes there. And yet... I SEE, even when my back's turned!).
Okay, seriously, in the vein you are asking, I do not know as to E.S.P. (as that phenomenon is described by science), but absolutely yes as to psychic power. Granted, there are fakes, as dear tec (peace!) pointed out... and most who make their living as such are fakes... but there are some bona fide psychic people out there (as that term is defined by... nevermind). Both are recognizable, fakes and the real deal)...
4. Conspiracy theories
Yes and no. Depends on the theory. 9/11? Oh, yeah, but not for the reasons many others put out there.
5. Angels
Yep. Seen/see 'em. And, again, they're not pretty. Nothing like the "waahhhhh" images depicted by man, which most are used to. Quite to the contrary. Almost heart-stoppingly to the contrary.
6. Revelations by God
Well, I know of at least one, so I have to say yes. Beyond that one? Yep. Absolutely. Personally, and I'm not even of the pious (not by a long stretch - I'm actually MUCH more like the street chick in the movie "Stigmata." Well, I was), so... I mean, I COULD lie and say no (so as to not cause anyone to run screaming, weeping and gnashing their teeth, ripping their garments and tossing ashes because they can't this particular truth)... by why? We're among "friends" here... right?
Question: what do you consider "awesome" and "credible", though? And if it's what I think it is... who says a revelation must BE so?
Do you still claim God reveals directly "inside information" to specially chosen ones? I can't. But, Do you?
No. He reveals it to His Son. Even so, it's not really "inside" information. I mean, it's available to all. Now, that all don't WANT it might make it SEEM like "inside" to such ones. But, I mean, if the folks on YOUR street don't want to listen to the 6pm news, is their claim that the announcement about, say, a burglar loose in their 'hood is "inside" information valid? All the announcer can do it put it out there. Up to folks to tune in... and paid heed if they do.
Now, of course, you might say, "If it's from God why isn't it announced to the WORLD?" but that would tell me that you don't know God... because nothing has EVER been announced to the world, at least not at one time.... except the birth of my Lord. Even then, only a few discerned that event (although the star announcing it could be seen from anywhere in the world - unfortunately, only a few folks "tuned in").
Things were often announced to certain nations IN the world, yes, and to Israel in particular, but even then, to only one or a few at a time (and usually in connection with Israel, although not always). But even the GOOD news wasn't announced all at once... nor was it ever said it WOULD be. Nor was it said that it would be announced to EVERY person in EVERY nation at any given time. It wasn't even announced to Israel all at one time... or even all of Israel at one time.
So, not sure where folks are getting that whole "why doesn't He/you announce it to the world?" Other than perhaps they're trying to make God do what THEY think He should... versus what HE would do...
7. Any other belief - What is it and could you describe it?
How about: some things take time... and, unfortunately, some's perception of that... time... is skewed. I mean, what we consider time in the western world (and particularly the U.S. - heck we get tired of waiting more than 2 years, let alone 2,000 - look at the decades-old mess we expected to be "fixed" in less than four years!)... is hilarious to others in the world. Particularly the East, Middle East, Near East, Africa... heck, pretty much the rest of the world. There are "civilizations" that have seen cultures like ours come and go... and come... and go... each one thinking they're more intelligent and more advanced than the one it replaced. Each one bringing cutting edge "technology" and "advanced innovation" for its day. Come... and go... come... and go... while these "backward" and "archaic" cultures have adapted, just trudging on in their "turtle-ish" ways as we run our hare-like races around them...
And no one could tell these other "advanced" civilizations anything either.
TELL US IF YOU FEEL THERE HAS BEEN EVIDENCE OR PROOF to encourage your deep convictions.
I do.
You're quite welcome!
P.S. I don't really want this thread cluttered by nay-sayers and ridicule. Just simple statements of belief. Okay?
Absolutely and okay! Good thing, IMHO, and I tried to comply. My responses are serious and truthful, even the "psychic mom/wife" one.
A doulos of Christ,
SA, who really had nothing else to do while hubby finished dinner, so...